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How to print values from multiple table in single table row in php

I have two tables in MySql database, Named Items and Types, In Items I have Chair, table, etc,. In Types I have Wood and Iron.

Items Table

| ItemID | Item_Name |
|    1   | Chair     |
|    2   | Table     |
|    3   | Bed       |

Types Table

| TypeID | Item_Type |
|    1   | Iron      |
|    2   | Wood      |

Now I want to print this in a php table as follows,

New Table

| Item Name  | Item Type One | Item Type Two |
| Chair      | Iron          | Wood          |
| Table      | Iron          | Wood          |
| Bed        | Iron          | Wood          |

I tried this code:

  $query_Item = $db->query("SELECT * FROM tb_Items");
  $itemsRowCount = $query_Item->num_rows;

  $query_Type = $db->query("SELECT * FROM tb_Types");
  $typesRowCount = $query_Type->num_rows;
<table border="1">
    <th>Item Name</th>
    <th>Item Type One</th>
    <th>Item Type Two</th>
  if($itemsRowCount > 0){
    while($row = $query_Item->fetch_assoc()){
    <td><?php echo $row['ItemName']; ?></td>
    if($typesRowCount > 0){
      while($row = $query_Type->fetch_assoc()){
    <td><?php echo $row['ItemType']; ?></td>

But its giving output like this:

| Item Name | Item Type One | Item Type Two |
| Chair     | Iron          | Wood          |
| Table     |               |               |
| Bed       |               |               |

Only Printing the first row as it should be. What is the problem? How can I achive this?

The problem is, the result set $query_Type is exhausted in the first row itself. You have to adjust the result pointer to point to the beginning of the result set so that you could iterate through it again. Make use of mysqli_result::data_seek to adjust the result pointer.

Do $query_Type->data_seek(0); right after the inner while loop.

// your code
<table border="1">
        <th>Item Name</th>
        <th>Item Type One</th>
        <th>Item Type Two</th>
        if($itemsRowCount > 0){
            while($row = $query_Item->fetch_assoc()){
            <td><?php echo $row['ItemName']; ?></td>
                if($typesRowCount > 0){
                    while($row = $query_Type->fetch_assoc()){
                    <td><?php echo $row['ItemType']; ?></td>

I think that your data model or expectation needs to be adjusted, because I don't see any clean way or joining the Items and Types tables to generate the output table you expect. That being said, you could do a cross join of the two tables, followed by a pivot on the TypeID column to generate what you want.

    MAX(CASE WHEN t2.TypeID = 1 THEN t2.Item_Type END) AS Item_Type_One,
    MAX(CASE WHEN t2.TypeID = 1 THEN t2.Item_Type END) AS Item_Type_Two
FROM Items t1


| Item Name  | Item_Type_One | Item_Type_Two |
| Chair      | Iron          | Wood          |
| Table      | Iron          | Wood          |
| Bed        | Iron          | Wood          |

Demo here:


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