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Jsoup, parse html loaded ajax table

I have a problem with the table parsing, which is loaded with ajax:

Document doc = Jsoup.connect("http://lfl.ru/club553").get();

That's what i get:

<div class="tournament_stats_table_tournament_3442 tournament-stats-table" style="display: block;" url="/?ajax=1&amp;method=tournament_stats_table&amp;tournament_id=3442&amp;club_id=553">
                        подождите...                    </div>

Tell me please what can be done in this situation. Thx.

You won't be able to get data using server->server request. When you do your request on server JS won't be executed and therefore table is simply not available.

As alternative think about these:

  1. If you are the owner of website you parse - try to avoid ajax if possible;
  2. Check what is endpoint of ajax request and simply parse it instead of webpage;

First: you need get Cookies ,just using

 Connection.Response = Jsoup.connect.method(get).excute 

Then: make request with cookies and headers



Connection.Response loginForm=Jsoup.connect("http://www.a5.cn").

Document document=Jsoup.connect("http://www.a5.cn/login.html").
        data("account","userID").data("autoLogin","1").data("password","your password").
        cookies(loginForm.cookies()).header("Accept","application/json, text/javascript, */*; q=0.01").header("X-Requested-With","XMLHttpRequest").post();


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