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Timer freezes on scroll in Android 7 Webview Ionic App

I have a Ionic1 App and I use an ion-timer on one view, below it on the same view is a ion-scroll element with a list of items.

Example Code:

<ion-content scroll="false">
  <ion-timer class="timer" duration="duration" ispause="isPause" opts="ionTimerOpts""></ion-timer>
    //list content here...

The Timer gets refreshed with an $interval and counts down a variable.

On Android 7 Google changed the Webview to Chrome and with that I encountered a strange bug. When the user scrolls through the list, the timer freezes for a few seconds before it counts down again. This does not happen on every scroll but very often, so I guess it has something to do with system resource management. On older Android systems and on iOS this freeze does not occur.

So I'm looking for help to find a solution. I thought I may change the Timer to calculate the distance to a set timeStamp, in this way the timer stays correct in time, but the ui freeze would still be there, and that should not be the case.


It seems, that the chrome browser engine sets the priority of intervals very low, thats why intervals are not accurate enough for a timer, my solution was to change the timer code in a way that I simulate an interval with an recursive function that uses timeouts.


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