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How can I foreach loop through and print out specific values from multidimensional array

This maybe duplicate, but I couldn't find the anwser looking aroud topics.

I have an array, witch looks like this:

          'Sword'=> [
             'Name'   => 'Lurker',
             'Value'  => '12',
             'Made'   => 'Acient'

           'Shield'=> [
              'Name'   => 'Obi',
              'Value'  => '22',
              'Made'   => 'Acient'

            'Warhammer'=> [
               'Name'   => 'Clotch',
               'Value'  => '124',
               'Made'   => 'Acient'
       'Water'=> [
          'Name'   => 'Clean-water',
          'Value'  => '1',
          'Made'   => 'Acient'

        'Wine'=> [
           'Name'   => 'Soff',
           'Value'  => '5',
           'Made'   => 'Acient'

         'Vodka'=> [
            'Name'   => 'Laudur',
            'Value'  => '7',
            'Made'   => 'Acient'


I want to echo out the item Categories(Weapons,Drinks),Types(Sword,Water,etc) what they hold.

I tried just an regular foreach and so they echo arrays.

  function getAllCategories()
    foreach ($this->_prop as $cate)
      echo $cate;
      foreach ($cate as $type)
        echo $type;


So i thought I can select from the arrays.

  function getAllCategories()
    foreach ($this->_prop as $cate)
      echo $cate[0];
      foreach ($cate as $type)
        echo $type[0];


But they echo'd nothing and I dont understand how could I print those values out that I want.

You need to get both the index and the value (as an array) in each foreach() , so you can keep going in "through the dimensions":

function getAllCategories()
  foreach ($this->_prop as $cate => $items)
    echo $cate."<br>";
    foreach ($items as $type => $values)
      echo $type."<br>";

    echo "<br>";

/* result


Now, in the first level, $cate is the index of each element, and $items is the array containing the next level.

Then $values is an array with the last tier of your array. If you add more levels, you can keep going at in the same way.

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