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Send table variable as mailto subject

I am trying to pass a table variable as a mailto subject.

I am using this script to do for a div ID, but unsure how to to do this for a class - getElementsByClassName doesn't work. How Do I do this?


<button name="mail_button" onclick="mail_content()">Mail</button> 


function mail_content() {
    var tableContent = document.getElementById("mailcontent").innerHTML;
    var mBody = "" + tableContent + "";
    document.location.href = "mailto:test@domain.com?subject=Titel&body=" + mBody;  

Element I wish to fect the varable from:

<td class="mailcontent">N7P47AA</td>

You have to use the index.Class is not unique like the id.


1) Select it via an ID that is unique.

2) Select it via a Class and index combination.

Here is the Docs for it: https://developer.mozilla.org/en/docs/Web/API/Document/getElementsByClassName

 function mail_content() { var tableContent = document.getElementsByClassName("mailcontent")[0].innerHTML; var mBody = "" + tableContent + ""; document.location.href = "mailto:test@domain.com?subject=Titel&body=" + mBody; } mail_content(); 
 <table> <td class="mailcontent">N7P47AA</td> </table> 

You are doing document.getElementById("mailcontent"), but the element you are looking for has no ID attribute. Currently your element has a class attribute of mailcontent, so you have 2 options:

  1. Add an ID attribute to your element and give it an id of mailcontent
  2. Change document.getElementById to:


    Remember, document.getElementsByClass name returns an array, rather than a single item, hence the addition of the [0] so you can get the first item in the array

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