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No subdomain in link_to

In the following link hast to be the subdomain included but it isn't. Can anyone explain me how to to that?

<%= link_to(t('email.edit_cancel_link'),edit_sub_url(key: @subscriber.ticketcode))%>

this returns http://something.com/edit_sub?key=4sC3pnRIi5OP3I8wVwnhLw and not http://subdomain.something.com/edit_sub?key=4sC3pnRIi5OP3I8wVwnhLw

Thanks David

By default, it should return url with subdomain . Yes, there is a option named subdomain in url helper.

Did you tried <%= link_to(t('email.edit_cancel_link'), edit_sub_url(key: @subscriber.ticketcode, subdomain: true))%> ?

Found an issue in rails repo.

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