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How to use link_to to go to a subdomain

I am having trouble using link_to to go to my posts/index page. I have the following link_to:

<%= link_to('NEWS', posts_path(subdomain:"news"),:class=>'navtext',:style=>"color:#bfbebc!important;")  %>

My routes:

  resources :posts , constraints: { subdomain: 'news' }

When I am at http://news.lvh.me:3000/posts (the actual page the link_to refers to) the link works, however when I place in on any other page (for example, the root_path) it does not work. I get the No route matches [GET] "/posts" error which I think means that the subdomain is not passed in my link_to. Any ideas on how I can do this? Thanks.

Try posts_url , instead of posts_path .

It works fine on my project even without (subdomain:"news") . Just use posts_url directly.

If nothing else works you could just skip the helper altogether:

<%= link_to('NEWS', subdomain_link,:class=>'navtext',:style=>"color:#bfbebc!important;")  %>

To make it work in both development and production you could write a helper method in application_helper.rb :

def subdomain_link
  Rails.env.development? ? '//whatever.localhost:3000' : '//news.whatever.com'

To go even further, you could configure subdomain_link to accept a string as an argument and interpolate that into the domain string. Another approach would be to configure a config variable in config/environments/development.rb and config/environments/production.rb .

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