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Selenium webdriver in python - Unable to get browser

from selenium import webdriver
import csv
import time

driver_ie = webdriver.Ie('C:\\Users\\aviv\\Desktop\\IEDriverServer')

with open ('C:\\Users\\aviv\\Desktop\\urlspart.txt','r') as d:
    urls= d.read().splitlines()

    for i,url in enumerate(urls):

            print "URL: " + url
            current_url_ie = driver_ie.current_url
            if current_url_ie == 'https://www.aviv.com':
                redirect_ie ='Yes'

        except Exception,e:
            redirect_ie = 'error'
            print e, Exception  


This code throw exception with message: "Unable to get browser".

I have already changed Internet Options --> Security and signed the "Enable protected mode", But the error still exists.

Anyone solution ?

For IE 11 only, you will need to set a registry entry on the target computer so that the driver can maintain a connection to the instance of Internet Explorer it creates.

For 32-bit Windows installations, the key you must examine in the registry editor is

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main\FeatureControl\FEATURE_BFCACHE

For 64-bit Windows installations, the key is

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main\FeatureControl\FEATURE_BFCACHE

Please note that the FEATURE_BFCACHE subkey may or may not be present, and should be created if it is not present. Important: Inside this key, create a DWORD value named iexplore.exe with the value of 0

Download the registry file from http://heliumhq.com/docs/internet_explorer .

See https://code.google.com/p/selenium/wiki/InternetExplorerDriver for this and more necessary IE configuration steps.

Also refer :


Hope it will help you :)

May be because of missing .exe at end of the driver path. please add .exe as given below. it may be works for you.

driver_ie = webdriver.Ie('C:\\Users\\aviv\\Desktop\\IEDriverServer.exe')

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