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React conditional rendering of multiple child components

I'm trying to render multiple child components depending on state however I'm only able to return one child component (SyntaxError: Adjacent JSX elements must be wrapped in an enclosing tag)

Each child component passes the same props, how could this code be kept DRY?


export default ({changeState, myState, handleClick}) => (
            <button onClick={() => changeState()}>Navigation</button>
            { myState ?
                <NavigationItem handleClick={handleClick} title={'#Link-1'} />
              : null


export default ({changeState, myState, handleClick}) => (
            <button onClick={() => changeState()}>Navigation</button>
            { myState ?
                <NavigationItem handleClick={handleClick} title={'#Link-1'} />
                <NavigationItem handleClick={handleClick} title={'#Link-2'} />
                <NavigationItem handleClick={handleClick} title={'#Link-3'} />
              : null

Directly we can't return more than one elements.

Possible Solutions:

1- Either you need to wrap all the elements in a div or any other wrapper element.

2- We can return an array of multiple elements also, So put all the items in an array, and return the array.

Like this:

{myState ?
        <NavigationItem handleClick={handleClick} title={'#Link-1'} />,
        <NavigationItem handleClick={handleClick} title={'#Link-2'} />,
        <NavigationItem handleClick={handleClick} title={'#Link-3'} />
  : null

Check this example:

 let b = true ? [1,2,3,4]: null; console.log('b = ', b); 

This will throw error:

 let b = true? 1 2 3 4: null; console.log('b = ', b); 

You can also use <Fragment> from ReactJS: https://reactjs.org/docs/fragments.html

The problem about wrapping all the elements with a <div> , is that you are adding more elements to the DOM, and sometimes it's impossible (for example, when you are rendering a <td> or <tr> inside a <table> . So, here is where <Fragment> comes to help us.

Just wrap all those elements in a <Fragment> and it'll be enough. Meaning:

{ myState &&
    <NavigationItem handleClick={handleClick} title={'#Link-1'} />
    <NavigationItem handleClick={handleClick} title={'#Link-2'} />
    <NavigationItem handleClick={handleClick} title={'#Link-3'} />

Anyways, this another "Conditional Rendering" approach is better in "code readability" sense: https://medium.com/@BrodaNoel/conditional-rendering-in-react-and-jsx-the-solution-7c80beba1e36

It basically proposes the use of a <Conditional> element, like:

<Conditional if={myState}>
  <NavigationItem handleClick={handleClick} title={'#Link-1'} />,
  <NavigationItem handleClick={handleClick} title={'#Link-2'} />,
  <NavigationItem handleClick={handleClick} title={'#Link-3'} />

^ This looks better for my eyes :D

export default ({changeState, myState, handleClick}) => (
            <button onClick={() => changeState()}>Navigation</button>
            { myState ?
                  <NavigationItem handleClick={handleClick} title={'#Link-1'} />
                  <NavigationItem handleClick={handleClick} title={'#Link-2'} />
                  <NavigationItem handleClick={handleClick} title={'#Link-3'} />
              : null

You should wrap the JSX into a <div/>

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