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Connect three different tables in MySQL database

I have three different tables in my MYSQL db:


company customer    ds  material matgrp  date        qty_ach
2100    30000002    21  2000012  FG0001  2015-08-10  42
2100    30000002    21  2000013  FG0002  2015-08-08  21
2200    30000003    21  2000013  FG0002  2015-08-25  21
2400    30000003    21  2000014  FG0001  2015-08-05  22
2100    30000003    21  2000015  FG0001  2015-08-15  15
2300    30000002    21  2000015  FG0003  2015-08-24  21
2100    30000004    21  2000016  FG0003  2016-08-05  16
2100    30000004    21  2000017  FG0003  2016-08-16  32


customer    rep  name
30000001    501  Alcon Traders
30000002    501  Ajith Tyre Traders
30000004    501  Appolo Tyre Centre
30000005    501  Aitken Spence Travels Ltd


rep  date        matgrp  tar_qty
501  2017-08-01  FG0001  990
501  2017-08-01  FG0002  3786
501  2017-08-01  FG0004  1320
501  2017-08-01  FG0005  457
501  2017-08-01  FG0006  75
501  2017-08-01  FG0007  47
501  2017-08-01  FG0008  19
501  2017-08-01  FG0009  857
501  2017-08-01  FG0010  1858
501  2017-08-01  FG0011  356

tbl_sales contains data of dealer wise salses reps' sales achievements(month wise). tbl_mas_customer contains the mapping of the sales rep to the dealer. one sales rep has many dealers. so we can get particular sales rep's matgrp wise qty_ach by mapping those two table. tbl_matgrp_target contains each sales reps' matgrp wise target quantity(tar_qty). it is constant for a particular month. each month they are assigned a target.

i know how to inner join tbl_mas_customer and tbl_sales tables and get particular sales rep's matgrp wise current month qty_ach.

select matgrp, sum(qty_ach) as qty_ach 
from tbl_sales
inner join tbl_mas_customer on tbl_sales.customer = tbl_mas_customer.customer
where MONTH(`date`)=MONTH(NOW()) and YEAR(`date`)=YEAR(NOW())
  and rep = '501' group by matgrp ORDER BY qty_ach DESC


matgrp  qty_ach
FG0002  4522
FG0001  1574
FG0004  1409
FG0010  1176
FG0009  1133
FG0005  568
FG0012  65
FG0017  64

now what i want is to get that particular sales rep's target quantity(tar_qty) also for the same query.


matgrp  qty_ach  tar_qty
FG0002  4522     3786
FG0001  1574     990
FG0004  1409     1320
FG0010  1176     1858
FG0009  1133     857
FG0005  568      457

You need to join all three tables with relation something like below

select matgrp, sum(qty_ach) as qty_ach, sum(tar_qty) as tar_qty
from tbl_sales ts
inner join tbl_mas_customer on ts.customer = tbl_mas_customer.customer
JOIN tbl_matgrp_target ON tbl_mas_customer.rep = tbl_matgrp_target.rep
where MONTH(ts.`date`)=MONTH(NOW()) and YEAR(ts.`date`)=YEAR(NOW())
  and tbl_mas_customer.rep = '501' group by ts.matgrp ORDER BY ts.qty_ach DESC

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