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Insert pojo to database with spring integration

I have a pojo that I want to insert into a database (Sql Server). When I run my code, I'm getting a "the conversion from UNKNOWN to UNKNOWN is unsupported". My question is, if my pojo and my database have everything named the same, can I just write it directly like this (or are there maybe annotations that'd let me do that)? Or do I always need a bean in here to do the mapping? I'm thinking this error might be because I'm jamming a pojo in where it doesn't belong.

In my main class I have

TradePersistenceService dataService;

Trade trade = new Trade();


And in my spring configuration I have

<integration:channel id="InsertTradeMessageRequestChannel" />
<integration:channel id="InsertTradeMessageReplyChannel" />

<integration:gateway id="RTService"
    <integration:method name="insertTradeMessage"
        request-channel="InsertTradeMessageRequestChannel" reply-channel="InsertTradeMessageReplyChannel" />

<int-jdbc:outbound-gateway request-channel="InsertTradeMessageRequestChannel"
    query="insert into MSRB_RTRS (Sec_ID, SourceLoad_ID, CUSIP) values (:Sec_ID, :SourceLoad_ID, :CUSIP"

In the database, I have a table called MSRB_RTRS with two numeric columns, and a varchar.

Finally, my pojo (with the standard getters and setters omitted here to reduce clutter)

public class Trade {
int sec_id;
int sourceload_id;
String cusip;

First of all you have to use update , not query , for INSERT . Second it isn't clear how that Sec_ID is related to the sec_id property in the Trade class.

You should consider to use something like:

<beans:bean id="parameterSourceFactory" class="org.springframework.integration.jdbc.ExpressionEvaluatingSqlParameterSourceFactory">
    <beans:property name="parameterExpressions">
            <beans:entry key="Sec_ID" value="payload.sec_id" />
            <beans:entry key="SourceLoad_ID" value="payload.sourceload_id" />

You can find more info in the Reference Manual :

In the example above, messages arriving on the channel labelled input have a payload of a map with key foo, so the [] operator dereferences that value from the map. The headers are also accessed as a map.

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