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WPF Binding IEnumerable to ListBox with a DataTemplate

I am trying to bind an IEnumerable class UserList to a ListBox in XAML, but I'm not able to resolve the name of the object. My xaml code is as follows:

            <ListBox DockPanel.Dock="Left" x:Name="UserListBox" Width="400"
                     ItemsSource="{Binding Source={StaticResource userList}}"
                     ItemTemplate="{StaticResource UserListTemplate}">


I have userList instantiated in MainWindow.xaml.cs as well, but I guess I'm not doing something right. Intention is to have ListBox read from UserList and create a list of Users from that IEnumerable. How do I fix this?

public MainWindow()
        src.UserList userList = new src.UserList();


A local variable can not be resolved by the StaticResource extension.

Create a UserList property like shown below, and set the Window's DataContext to this . If you want to be able to add or remove elements after setting the DataContext, the class UserList should implement the INotifyCollectionChanged interface. It may do so by deriving from ObservableCollection .

public src.UserList UserList { get; } = new src.UserList();

public MainWindow()
    // add elements to UserList here

    DataContext = this;

Then write the Binding in XAML like this:

ItemsSource="{Binding UserList}"

See Data Binding Overview for an introduction.

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