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how to subclass vtkActor?

I am trying to subclass the vtkActor class. But my class keeps getting the error "undefined reference to `vtkIntraLatticeObject::New()"

I found this link . I tried it but I get "undefined reference to vtkIntraLatticeObject::vtkIntraLatticeObject()". I am also not 100% convinced this is the way to go. I managed to get the following example to work . So I have difficulty understanding what's so different with my code.

So here's my code class.


#include <vtkSmartPointer.h>
#include <vtkRenderer.h>
#include <vtkObjectFactory.h>
#include <vtkRenderingCoreModule.h>
#include <vtkProperty.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <vtkActor.h>

class VTKRENDERINGCORE_EXPORT vtkIntraLatticeObject : public vtkActor

        vtkTypeMacro(vtkIntraLatticeObject, vtkActor);
        static vtkIntraLatticeObject* New();

        int assignID();

        std::string getObjectTypeName();

        int ID;
        static int intralatticeActorCounter;

        vtkActor* Device;





#include "vtkIntraLatticeObject.h"


int vtkIntraLatticeObject::intralatticeActorCounter = 0;

    int ID = -1;
    this -> Device = vtkActor::New();

    this -> Device -> Delete();

int vtkIntraLatticeObject::assignID()
    ID = intralatticeActorCounter;
    return ID;

std::string vtkIntraLatticeObject::getObjectTypeName()
    return "generic intralattice Object";

turns out it was my cmake file, I wasn't doing a recursive glob. The file in question was located two layers below. So when the compiler ran, it couldn't locate the .cc file.
The only thing I would add is that vtkActor is an abstract class. So a couple of function are not actually implemented. So when I tried to display my vtkActor, it was invisible. This was solved by subclassing vtkOpenGlActor instead of vtkActor or implementing the missing function.

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