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Deploy Jersey application on Tomcat 8.5

I'm developing a simple application which uses Jersey as framework to build the API and Jackson to handle JSON.

When I deploy the application, by copying & pasting at webapps/ , I can see my index.jsp. Although my created resource isn't reachable, it always show a 404 page. No errors are shown, not event at the catalina.* logs file.

I'm pretty sure about the problem isn't at the java code because it used to work with *.jar include approach. But I'm tired of that and wanted to migrate it to maven architecture.

I won't post my entire code, but you can see it here .

To make things easier, here follows the list of dependencies that I'm using:

  • jersey-json v1.19
  • jersey-server v2.25.1
  • jersey-media-json-jackson v2.25.1
  • jackson-core v2.9.0
  • jackson-module-jaxb-annotations v2.9.0
  • jackson-annotations v2.9.0
  • jackson-databind v2.9.0
  • jackson-jaxrs-base v2.9.0
  • ackson-jaxrs-json-provider v2.9.0

What can cause this error? I have nothing to follow, no stack trace, no error message, nothing. Could it be the lack of some dependency?

  1. Get rid of jersey-json . That is 1.x and it's going to mess you up
  2. You need more than just jersey-server . You will also need

     <dependency> <groupId>org.glassfish.jersey.containers</groupId> <artifactId>jersey-container-servlet</artifactId> <version>2.25.1</version> </dependency> 
  3. You should get rid of your web.xml. You don't need it with your @ApplicationPath configuration annotation. Also your using a very old schema version in your web.xml. I don't know if that will mess you up either. Better just get rid of the web.xml completely, unless you can find a more up to date header for the file.

not very sure about this but try adding the servlet to your web.xml, since last time I use jersey i find out it was necesary to communicate with the server

for example this is what I add to a web.xml

        <param-value>"PACKAGE WHERE DO YOU HAVE YOUR CLASS"</param-value>

Please notice that I was ussing Glassfish server and not Tomcat (in "servlet-class" ), but this migth give you and idea I really hope this could help you :)

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