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Convert query to list in django

I have this code in views.py

def prod_aff(request):
    queryset =Produit.objects.all()
    ca = sortiestk.objects.all().select_related('ref').select_related('codecateg').values_list('ref__codecateg',flat=True).distinct()
    ca1 = list(ca)
    print ca1
    for val in ca1:
        pp = sortiestk.objects.select_related('ref').select_related('codecateg').filter(ref__codecateg=val).aggregate(Sum('qtesrt'))
        print pp
    return render(request, 'produit/produit.html',{'nomc':getnomcat,'produit':queryset})

It displays:

{'qtesrt__sum': 8},
{'qtesrt__sum': 40},
{'qtesrt__sum': 10}

I want to put only the int values in a list. I tried list(pp) but it only showed [qtesrt__sum , qtesrt__sum ,qtesrt__sum] .

Try this:


This will get you a list of values from pp , which are exactly the integers that you want. If you run


you get the list of keys because this statement is equivalent to


If you want to get both keys and values of pp into a list, you can do

list(pp) + list(pp.values())

If you need to flattern the query result on grouping, you can use annotate instead of aggregate

pp = sortiestk.objects.select_related('ref').select_related('codecateg').filter(ref__codecateg=val).annotate(qtesrt_total=Sum('qtesrt')).values_list('qtesrt_total', flat=True)

output will be:


根据文档QuerySet ,您可以仅使用list()将查询转换为列表。

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