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lombok @Builder on method

I want to use fluent Api to reduce the parameter list of a method. I dont want to create a constructor for this, so I annote the method with Lombok-@Builder:

public static void test(User user, Item item, int age, Map<String, Test> tests, LocalDateTime time, String desc){
        ..method related things..

Now, I expect to call that method with the Fluent-Api of @Builder:


However, as I do not have any getters and setters around the method, no fluent Api exists for that method. Is this the right use of @Builder on a method?

This is how you use the default Builder syntax.

public static void test(User user, Item item){
    // ...

public void buildTestExample(){
            .user(new User())
            .item(new Item())

However, you can specify the method name like so:

@Builder(builderMethodName = "buildTest")
public static void test(User bar, Item item){
    // ...

public void buildTestExample(){
            .user(new User())
            .item(new Item())

See https://projectlombok.org/features/Builder

A method annotated with @Builder (from now on called the target) causes the following 7 things to be generated:

  • An inner static class named FooBuilder, with the same type arguments as the static method (called the builder).
  • In the builder: One private non-static non-final field for each parameter of the target.
  • In the builder: A package private no-args empty constructor.
  • In the builder: A 'setter'-like method for each parameter of the target: It has the same type as that parameter and the same name . It returns the builder itself, so that the setter calls can be chained, as in the above example.
  • In the builder: A build() method which calls the method, passing in each field. It returns the same type that the target returns.
  • In the builder: A sensible toString() implementation.
  • In the class containing the target: A builder() method, which creates a new instance of the builder.

Here is an arbitrary example showing that you can have 2 Builders for 2 methods and it works fine.

@Builder(builderMethodName = "buildFoo")
public static String foo(String param1, String param2){
    return "foo" + param1 + param2;

@Builder(builderMethodName = "buildBar")
public static String bar(String param1, String param2){
    return "bar" + param1 + param2;

public void test(){



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