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MySQL: select consecutive ID's as range

Having this table

|   ID|Status|
|    1|     0|
|    2|     1|
|    3|     1|
|    4|     0|
|    5|     1|
|    6|     1|
|    7|     1|
|    8|     1|
|    9|     0|
|   10|     1|
|   12|     1|

I want to select the ID's where Status = 1 as ranges of consecutive values:

|  Low| High|
|    2|    3|
|    5|    8|
|   10|   10|
|   12|   12|

I'm not sure how to approach this.

You can do this by assigning a group to each row. One method uses a correlated subquery to count the number of different statuses before any given one:

select status, min(id) as low, max(id) as high
from (select t.*,
             (select count(*)
              from t t2
              where t2.id < t.id and t2.status <> t.status
             ) as grp
      from t
     ) t
group by status, grp;

You can add where to either the inner or outer query to limit to status = 1 .


If performance is an issue, then variables are going to be faster. I think the simplest method is the version suggested here -- count the number of non-1 values:

select status, min(id) as low, max(id) as high
from (select t.*,
             (@grp := (status <> 1)) as grp
      from t cross join 
           (select @grp := 0) params
      order by id
     ) t
where status = 1
group by status, grp;

This can also make use of an index on t(id, status) .

Try to use a variable and GROUP BY

SELECT MIN(id) AS low ,MAX(id) AS high
            WHEN @id = status THEN @row_number
            ELSE @row_number + 1
        END AS num,
        @id:=status as status,
    FROM tab, (SELECT @row_number:=0, @id := 1) t
    ORDER BY id
) t
WHERE t.status = 1


Sorry, misread MySQL for MSSQL. Seems MySQL does not support recursive CTE.

Using a recursive CTE:

declare @data table(
    ID int not null primary key,
    Status bit not null)

insert into @data
(1, 0),
(2, 1),
(3, 1),
(4, 0),
(5, 1),
(6, 1),
(7, 1),
(8, 1),
(9, 0),
(10, 1),
(12, 1)

with dataRecursive as(
    -- anchor
    select      data.ID low,
    from        @data data
    where       data.Status = 1
                not exists(
                    select      1
                    from        @data data_previous
                    where       data_previous.Status = 1
                                data_previous.ID = data.ID -1
    union all
    -- recursion
    select      dataRecursive.low,
    from        @data data_next
                inner join
                on  dataRecursive.ID = data_next.ID - 1
    where       data_next.Status = 1

select      low,
            MAX(ID) as high
from        dataRecursive
group by    low
order by    low

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