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multiple images upload using FormData and separate fields

i want to start upload images to the server before submit the form can't nest forms so i use formdata()

the form contain title and 5 images with captions , i want to start upload once i choose the image without click upload , and without submit the main form , prevent submiting the form until images uploaded

this a part of the code it work well with the first input only


    var counter = 2;

    $("#howaddButton").click(function () {

    return false;

    $('#file' counter +).change(function(){
    var file_data = $('#file' counter +).prop('files')[0];   
    var form_data = new FormData();                  
    form_data.append('file' counter +, file_data);
        url: "upload.php",
        type: "POST",
        data:  form_data,
        contentType: true,
        cache: false,

        success: function(data){



    var newTextBoxDiv = $(document.createElement('div'))
    .attr("id", 'howTextBoxDiv' + counter);


    '<span id="content' + counter + '"><div class="btn btn-primary btn-file alert">'+

        '<div id="response">'+'</div>'+

    '<input type="file'+ counter +'" name="file'+ counter +'" id="file'+ counter +'">'+





<div id="howTextBoxesGroup">
<div id="howTextBoxDiv1">

<input class="form-control input-md" placeholder="" required="required" type="textbox" name="how[0]" >

<span id="content">
    <div class="btn btn-primary btn-file alert"> 

    <div id="response"></div>

<input type="file" name="file" id="file">



<button class="btn btn-success"   name="plus" id="howaddButton" type="button">+</button>
<button  class="btn btn-primary" name="minus" id="howremoveButton" type="button">-</button>

i think here is the problem

        '<div id="response">'+'</div>'+

        '<input type="file" name="file" id="file">'+

and how to alert if file size large than X Or its format not supported

You need to make your input file as multiple to be able to pick many files.

Also you need to iterate over files when you have chosen the files, and listen on change event of the input to be able to read that files.

I made a single example, I hope you find it helpful.


Here you have the working code as you expected, now you can create input dynamically.

 $(document).ready(function(){ // let's encapsulate the code to prevent its exposeness in the window scope that is accessible from console developer tools // soe let's make a autoexec function, and let's declare all our login inside // the ($) code will get the object injected at the bottom of the function (function($){ // our counter images uploaded var imagesUploaded = []; // our limit to be reached var limitToBeReachedToEnableTheForm = 0; // reference to our btnSubmit var btnSubmit = $("#myBtnSender"); // reference to our form var form = $("#MyForm"); // let's save reference for each input file var picker = $(".file-picker"); var blockWrapper = $(".wrap-block"); var addBlockBtn = $("#add-picker-block"); var blockId = "block-id-"; // let's listen for picker (change) event for each input file function onHandleFile(event) { // get the file var file = event.target.files; // get the only file inside of the collection files file = file[0]; var fileId = $(this).attr("id"); // let's make sure file is actually an image, so we need to define what format of images we will allow var allowImagesTypes = ["image/jpg","image/gif", "image/png", "image/jpeg"]; var imageType = file.type; // if the current image type is not supported, just abort the process and notify to user if (allowImagesTypes.indexOf(imageType) === -1) { var messageAllowedTypes = allowImagesTypes.join(", "); alert("Error, we only support these types of images : " + messageAllowedTypes); return false; } // if the current type image is allowed so let's get the title, caption and let's upload the image var currentPicker = $(this); var parentPickerBlock = currentPicker.parent(".block-image-picker"); var title = parentPickerBlock.find('.image-title'); title = title.length > 0 ? $.trim(title.val()) : ""; var caption = parentPickerBlock.find('.image-caption'); caption = caption.length > 0 ? $.trim(caption.val()) : ""; uploadImage(title, caption, file, parentPickerBlock, fileId); }; form.submit(function(){ // if imagesUploaded is less than limitToBeReachedToEnableTheForm, so there are images to be upload and not allow the submittion of the form if (imagesUploaded.length < limitToBeReachedToEnableTheForm) { return false; } alert("Your form will send :D"); return true; }); addBlockBtn.on("click", addNewBlock); function checkTotalImagesUploaded(fileId) { if (fileId) { imagesUploaded.push(fileId); } // if the 5 images were uploaded so enabled the submit button checkUploadsToEnableSubmitButton(); } function checkUploadsToEnableSubmitButton() { if (imagesUploaded.length === limitToBeReachedToEnableTheForm) { btnSubmit.removeAttr("disabled"); } else { btnSubmit.attr("disabled", "disabled"); } } function removeImageUploadedCounterIfExists(fileId) { var index = imagesUploaded.indexOf(fileId) if (index > -1) { imagesUploaded.splice(index, 1); } } function addNewBlock() { // Create the block inputs elements var blockImagePicker = $("<div class='block-image-picker'>"); var inputTitle = $("<input type='text' name='imageTitle[]' class='image-title' placeholder='Your image title' />"); var inputFile = $("<input type='file' name='images[]' class='file-picker' />"); // generate timestamp of creation var fileId = new Date() * 1; inputFile.attr("id", fileId); // put into the blockImagePicker blockImagePicker.append(inputTitle); blockImagePicker.append(inputFile); // add to block wrapper blockWrapper.append(blockImagePicker); // increment our limit counter limitToBeReachedToEnableTheForm++; // add data-id attribute blockImagePicker.attr("id", blockId + limitToBeReachedToEnableTheForm); if (limitToBeReachedToEnableTheForm > 1) { var removeBtn = $("<button>Remove</button>"); blockImagePicker.append(removeBtn); removeBtn.data("container-id", blockId + limitToBeReachedToEnableTheForm); removeBtn.on("click", onRemoveBlockPicker); } // add event listener to file picker inputFile.on("change", onHandleFile); checkUploadsToEnableSubmitButton(); } function onRemoveBlockPicker(event) { event.preventDefault(); // get input file to remove eventListener var filePickerReference = $(this).prev(); var fileId = filePickerReference.attr("id"); // remove event listener filePickerReference.off("change"); // get block id for current block var containerId = $(this).data("container-id"); var containerBlock = $("#"+containerId); containerBlock.remove(); limitToBeReachedToEnableTheForm--; removeImageUploadedCounterIfExists(fileId); checkUploadsToEnableSubmitButton(); } function uploadImage(title, caption, file, parent, fileId) { var formData = new FormData(); formData.append("title", title); formData.append("caption", caption); formData.append("image", file); var loader = $("<div>"); $.ajax({ url: 'http://my-url-endpoint-rest', data: formData, type: 'POST', contentType: false, processData: false, beforeSend: function() { //beforeSend the image to upload, let's show the user what is happening loader.text("Uploading " + file.name + " ..."); parent.append(loader); }, success: function(response) { // if the image was uploaded so increment our counter imagesUploaded checkTotalImagesUploaded(fileId); }, error: function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorMessage) { // show some error if something was wrong console.log("error", errorMessage); // Optional alert("Error uploading the image " + file.name); }, complete: function() { // remove the loader, not matter if the response was wrong or good loader.remove(); } }); } // create our first block when page is loaded addNewBlock(); })($); // the ($) code above will inject the jQuery object into the closure }); 
 .block-image-picker { border: 1px solid blue; margin-bottom: 5px; padding: 5px; } .block-image-picker input { display: inline-block; } 
 <script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.9.1/jquery.min.js"></script> <form id="MyForm"> <div class="file-pickers-wrapper"> <div class="wrap-block"> </div> <div class="controls"> <button id="add-picker-block"> add new field </button> </div> </div> <button type="submit" id="myBtnSender" disabled="disabled"> Send data </button> </form> 

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