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[英]multiple images upload using FormData and separate fields





    var counter = 2;

    $("#howaddButton").click(function () {

    return false;

    $('#file' counter +).change(function(){
    var file_data = $('#file' counter +).prop('files')[0];   
    var form_data = new FormData();                  
    form_data.append('file' counter +, file_data);
        url: "upload.php",
        type: "POST",
        data:  form_data,
        contentType: true,
        cache: false,

        success: function(data){



    var newTextBoxDiv = $(document.createElement('div'))
    .attr("id", 'howTextBoxDiv' + counter);


    '<span id="content' + counter + '"><div class="btn btn-primary btn-file alert">'+

        '<div id="response">'+'</div>'+

    '<input type="file'+ counter +'" name="file'+ counter +'" id="file'+ counter +'">'+





<div id="howTextBoxesGroup">
<div id="howTextBoxDiv1">

<input class="form-control input-md" placeholder="" required="required" type="textbox" name="how[0]" >

<span id="content">
    <div class="btn btn-primary btn-file alert"> 

    <div id="response"></div>

<input type="file" name="file" id="file">



<button class="btn btn-success"   name="plus" id="howaddButton" type="button">+</button>
<button  class="btn btn-primary" name="minus" id="howremoveButton" type="button">-</button>


        '<div id="response">'+'</div>'+

        '<input type="file" name="file" id="file">'+







 $(document).ready(function(){ // let's encapsulate the code to prevent its exposeness in the window scope that is accessible from console developer tools // soe let's make a autoexec function, and let's declare all our login inside // the ($) code will get the object injected at the bottom of the function (function($){ // our counter images uploaded var imagesUploaded = []; // our limit to be reached var limitToBeReachedToEnableTheForm = 0; // reference to our btnSubmit var btnSubmit = $("#myBtnSender"); // reference to our form var form = $("#MyForm"); // let's save reference for each input file var picker = $(".file-picker"); var blockWrapper = $(".wrap-block"); var addBlockBtn = $("#add-picker-block"); var blockId = "block-id-"; // let's listen for picker (change) event for each input file function onHandleFile(event) { // get the file var file = event.target.files; // get the only file inside of the collection files file = file[0]; var fileId = $(this).attr("id"); // let's make sure file is actually an image, so we need to define what format of images we will allow var allowImagesTypes = ["image/jpg","image/gif", "image/png", "image/jpeg"]; var imageType = file.type; // if the current image type is not supported, just abort the process and notify to user if (allowImagesTypes.indexOf(imageType) === -1) { var messageAllowedTypes = allowImagesTypes.join(", "); alert("Error, we only support these types of images : " + messageAllowedTypes); return false; } // if the current type image is allowed so let's get the title, caption and let's upload the image var currentPicker = $(this); var parentPickerBlock = currentPicker.parent(".block-image-picker"); var title = parentPickerBlock.find('.image-title'); title = title.length > 0 ? $.trim(title.val()) : ""; var caption = parentPickerBlock.find('.image-caption'); caption = caption.length > 0 ? $.trim(caption.val()) : ""; uploadImage(title, caption, file, parentPickerBlock, fileId); }; form.submit(function(){ // if imagesUploaded is less than limitToBeReachedToEnableTheForm, so there are images to be upload and not allow the submittion of the form if (imagesUploaded.length < limitToBeReachedToEnableTheForm) { return false; } alert("Your form will send :D"); return true; }); addBlockBtn.on("click", addNewBlock); function checkTotalImagesUploaded(fileId) { if (fileId) { imagesUploaded.push(fileId); } // if the 5 images were uploaded so enabled the submit button checkUploadsToEnableSubmitButton(); } function checkUploadsToEnableSubmitButton() { if (imagesUploaded.length === limitToBeReachedToEnableTheForm) { btnSubmit.removeAttr("disabled"); } else { btnSubmit.attr("disabled", "disabled"); } } function removeImageUploadedCounterIfExists(fileId) { var index = imagesUploaded.indexOf(fileId) if (index > -1) { imagesUploaded.splice(index, 1); } } function addNewBlock() { // Create the block inputs elements var blockImagePicker = $("<div class='block-image-picker'>"); var inputTitle = $("<input type='text' name='imageTitle[]' class='image-title' placeholder='Your image title' />"); var inputFile = $("<input type='file' name='images[]' class='file-picker' />"); // generate timestamp of creation var fileId = new Date() * 1; inputFile.attr("id", fileId); // put into the blockImagePicker blockImagePicker.append(inputTitle); blockImagePicker.append(inputFile); // add to block wrapper blockWrapper.append(blockImagePicker); // increment our limit counter limitToBeReachedToEnableTheForm++; // add data-id attribute blockImagePicker.attr("id", blockId + limitToBeReachedToEnableTheForm); if (limitToBeReachedToEnableTheForm > 1) { var removeBtn = $("<button>Remove</button>"); blockImagePicker.append(removeBtn); removeBtn.data("container-id", blockId + limitToBeReachedToEnableTheForm); removeBtn.on("click", onRemoveBlockPicker); } // add event listener to file picker inputFile.on("change", onHandleFile); checkUploadsToEnableSubmitButton(); } function onRemoveBlockPicker(event) { event.preventDefault(); // get input file to remove eventListener var filePickerReference = $(this).prev(); var fileId = filePickerReference.attr("id"); // remove event listener filePickerReference.off("change"); // get block id for current block var containerId = $(this).data("container-id"); var containerBlock = $("#"+containerId); containerBlock.remove(); limitToBeReachedToEnableTheForm--; removeImageUploadedCounterIfExists(fileId); checkUploadsToEnableSubmitButton(); } function uploadImage(title, caption, file, parent, fileId) { var formData = new FormData(); formData.append("title", title); formData.append("caption", caption); formData.append("image", file); var loader = $("<div>"); $.ajax({ url: 'http://my-url-endpoint-rest', data: formData, type: 'POST', contentType: false, processData: false, beforeSend: function() { //beforeSend the image to upload, let's show the user what is happening loader.text("Uploading " + file.name + " ..."); parent.append(loader); }, success: function(response) { // if the image was uploaded so increment our counter imagesUploaded checkTotalImagesUploaded(fileId); }, error: function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorMessage) { // show some error if something was wrong console.log("error", errorMessage); // Optional alert("Error uploading the image " + file.name); }, complete: function() { // remove the loader, not matter if the response was wrong or good loader.remove(); } }); } // create our first block when page is loaded addNewBlock(); })($); // the ($) code above will inject the jQuery object into the closure }); 
 .block-image-picker { border: 1px solid blue; margin-bottom: 5px; padding: 5px; } .block-image-picker input { display: inline-block; } 
 <script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.9.1/jquery.min.js"></script> <form id="MyForm"> <div class="file-pickers-wrapper"> <div class="wrap-block"> </div> <div class="controls"> <button id="add-picker-block"> add new field </button> </div> </div> <button type="submit" id="myBtnSender" disabled="disabled"> Send data </button> </form> 


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