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Multiple Django functions on class-based view

I'm looking for using Multiple Django functions in the same Class and display these functions on the same template.

Both functions are in my Django Template, but none work and I don't know why.

First function :

This function lets to search a person in my Database based on 3 criteria : firstname , lastname and birthcity . Then I display the query result in my array.

Second function :

This function is a simple Django form .

This is my first Django Class :

class SocieteFormulaire(TemplateView) :

    template_name= "Societe.html"
    model = Societe

    def get_context_data(self, **kwargs):

        request = self.request

        if 'recherche' in request.GET:

            query_Lastname_ID = request.GET.get('q1LastnameID')
            query_Firstname_ID = request.GET.get('q1FirstnameID')
            query_BirthCity_ID = request.GET.get('q1BirthCityID')

            sort_params = {}

            set_if_not_none(sort_params, 'Lastname__icontains', query_Lastname_ID)
            set_if_not_none(sort_params, 'Firstname__icontains', query_Firstname_ID)
            set_if_not_none(sort_params, 'BirthCity__icontains', query_BirthCity_ID)

            query_list = Societe_Recherche.Recherche_Filter(Societe, sort_params)

            context = {
                "query_Lastname_ID" : query_Lastname_ID,
                "query_Firstname_ID" : query_Firstname_ID,
                "query_BirthCityID" : query_Birthcity_ID,
                "query_list" : query_list,

            return context

    def get_context_data(self, **kwarg) :

        success = False
        request = self.request

        if request.method == 'POST':

            form = IndividuFormulaire(request.POST or None, request.FILES or None)

            if form.is_valid() :
                post = form.save(commit=False)
                for element in settings.BDD :
                    post.save(using=element, force_insert=True)

                messages.success(request, 'Le formulaire a été enregistré !')
                return HttpResponseRedirect(reverse('IndividuResume', kwargs={'id': post.id}))

                messages.error(request, "Le formulaire est invalide !")

            form = IndividuFormulaire()
            form.fields['Utilisateur'].initial = request.user.last_name + " " + request.user.first_name

        context = {
            "form" : form,
            "Individu" : Individu

        return context

I named both functions with the same name, because if I don't do that, first function or my form is not displayed on my template.

So my question is : How I can set multiple functions in the same Django Class and in the same Django template ?

You have several misconceptions and misunderstandings here.

You simply can't have two methods with the same name in a Python class. The first one will just be overridden when the class is loaded. The normal solution is to put all the code in one method, or have two with different names and call one from the other.

However, you should also consider that none of this logic belongs in get_context_data anyway. That's for preparing context data for the template, not for processing form submissions.

The fundamental problem is that you are picking the wrong class to inherit and then overriding the wrong methods. TemplateView is a very basic class and is certainly not meant to be used like this. The real action of your view is to display and process a form that creates an element; so, you should use CreateView. Then you can get rid of almost all the code in your second method; the view will do all the processing for you, the only thing you will need to do is to define form_valid to do your custom save logic.

The search logic could remain in get_context_data if you like. But you do need to remember to call the superclass method, and also return context even if 'recherche' in request.GET is false.

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