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How to change AWS Lambda content type from Plain text to html

I want to display on my chatbot the link.

message: { contentType: 'PlainText', content:"<a href="www.google.com">Test Result</a>" },

html tag displays as it is. How can I display the content as html?

You need to set the content-type to text/html in the headers of your response object, as typically it is (implicitly) set to application/json .

Projected to your case, you need to return your function in your AWS Lambda handler like:

callback(null, {
  statusCode: 200,
  headers: {"content-type": "text/html"},
  body: "<html><body>OK</body></html>"

That will set the content type correctly for the client to parse.

For those that are using the serverless framework, you can configure the content-type of your function's response in your serverless.yml file, for example:

    handler: lib/client-app-services.downloadImage
     - http:
        path: client/images/{filename}
        method: get
        cors: true
        integration: lambda
            Content-Type: "'image/jpeg'"
            Cache-Control: "'max-age=120'"

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