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How to access parent page UserControl is in

I have a UserControl that is placed into a Page. How do I access the Page the UserControl is in?

My user case, I want the constructor or method of my UserControl to add to the hierarchy of the Page it's located on. When the button of the UserControl is clicked, it will place or make visible a Canvas on top of it's Parent Page

In a simple case of UserControl added to a Page , the First Parent of the UserControl when it is placed in a page is the FrameworkElement and the Parent of the FrameworkElement will be the page.

For Example: If MyUserControl is my UserControl and MainPage is the page that I am adding the UserControl to, Then you can get the MainPage from inside the UserControl where Button is clicked on is like below.

var page = ((FrameworkElement)myControl.Parent).Parent;

and then you can check for page type and process your commands accordingly.

Here is a full snippet

private void Button_Tapped(object sender, TappedRoutedEventArgs e)
    var page = ((FrameworkElement)myControl.Parent).Parent;
    if (page.GetType() == typeof(MainPage))
        (page as MainPage).ShowData();

Good Luck.


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