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Read-only information passing using localStorage with Javascript (not embedded in Hml)

I have been stuck with this thing, any help will be highly appreciated. I want to pass a value from one HTML page to another HTML page using localStorage by the press of a submit button, here's the value from the first page

Reference number : TECS5

And the value has to remain read-only when it appears on the second page. Also, I can't use any functions like JQuery etc, and the Javascript should be a separate file. Cheers

Here is a little bit of code to demonstrate a possible solution. Using the following functions, we can enter a reference number into a form and have it appear on another page.


Instead of using JQuery, we'll use the JavaScript function getElementById(). The rest of the code is pretty self-explanatory. Let me know if you have any questions!


<script src="saveToLocalStorage.js"></script>

<form onsubmit="return saveToLocalStorage()">
Enter reference number: <input id="reference" type="text">
<input type="submit">


<div>Reference number : <span id="place"></span></div>

<script type="text/javascript">
// if you also want this JavaScript in a separate file, we can put it in a function
document.getElementById('place').innerHTML = localStorage.getItem("refNum");


function saveToLocalStorage() {
    var input = document.getElementById("reference");
    localStorage.setItem("refNum", input.value);
    window.location = "page2.html";
    return false;

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