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Which Function is used for Get the exact location of GPS Coordinates of DJI Drone for iOS

I want the GPS Coordinates of a DJI Drone in iOS. I need the method or property to get GPS location when Takeoff.

You basically have two options:

1/ Delegation on DJIFlightController aka DJIFlightControllerDelegate Protocol

You will implement this method and get a DJIFlightControllerState object which will have a location:

- (void)flightController:(DJIFlightController *_Nonnull)fc didUpdateState:(DJIFlightControllerState *_Nonnull)state {

    CLLocation *myCurrentLocation = state.aircraftLocation;
    // Do something here.

2/ Using the keyed interface and this key DJIFlightControllerParamAircraftLocation (see SDK Key note) This key will send you a value which contains a CLLocation.

Then you could either do a simple get

guard let locationKey = DJIFlightControllerKey(param: DJIFlightControllerParamAircraftLocation) else {
     NSLog("Couldn't create the key")

 guard let keyManager = DJISDKManager.keyManager() else {
     print("Couldn't get the keyManager")
     // This will happen if not registered

 if let locationValue = keyManager.getValueFor(locationKey) {
     let location = locationValue.value as! CLLocation
     // do something

or listen to all updates

guard let locationKey = DJIFlightControllerKey(param: DJIFlightControllerParamAircraftLocation) else {
      NSLog("Couldn't create the key")

guard let keyManager = DJISDKManager.keyManager() else {
     print("Couldn't get the keyManager")
     // This will happen if not registered

keyManager.startListeningForChanges(on: locationKey, withListener: self) { (oldValue, newValue) in
     if newValue != nil {
         let location = newValue!.value as! CLLocation
         // do something

Just don't forget to stop listening when you're done.

I hope this helps.

PS: I've mixed Swift and Obj-C because you can use either.

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