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GLKit: Format Objective-C GLKit parameters for Swift


I am building an application that manipulates the chroma values of video frames. I am using Objective-C code from another project and translating it into Swift. But I have come across an odd piece of code that I would like to translate to Swift, if I could even figure out what it means. Method is below:

- (void)updateUniformValues
   // Precalculate the mvpMatrix
   GLKMatrix4 modelViewProjectionMatrix = GLKMatrix4Multiply(
   glUniformMatrix4fv(uniforms[GMVPMatrix], 1, 0, 

   // Texture samplers
   const GLint samplerIDs[1] = {self.texture2d0.name};
   glUniform1iv(uniforms[GSamplers2D], 1, 

note: self.texture2d0 is of type GLKEffectPropertyTexture

The line in question is const GLint samplerIDs[1] = {self.texture2d0.name}; . I have coded in Objective-C for years before programming in Swift, but I have never seen something like this before. So it's a constant of type Glint , but is assigned a value from a self.texture2d0 block with no return statement? And the [1] makes me feel like it should be an Array . So confused.


What is this line doing? And how can I translate this into Swift?

It's an samplerIDs is a const array of GLint , with a single non-const member, self.texture2d0.name .

It would be analogous to:

let samplerIDs = [self.texture2d0.name]

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