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Integrate MongoDB with elasticsearch macOSX

I am trying to integrate MongoDB with Elasticsearch 5.5.2. Can anyone provide me the instructions on how do i proceed? I have not found proper links for integrating them. I have understood that we need to install mongo-connector/river-mongodb but i am unable to install it.

I have found this command

pip install 'mongo-connector[elastic5]' 

but this is for python environment. I am using java environment.

I have also tried these following commands:

my/elasticsearch/location/bin/plugin -install elasticsearch/elasticsearch-mapper-attachments/1.4.0 
my/elasticsearch/location/bin/plugin -install richardwilly98/elasticsearch-river-mongodb/1.4.0 

I get this:

 my/elasticsearch/location/bin/plugin: is a directory

I am using macOSX. I have already installed ElasticSearch and MongoDB. Thanks.

You might want to try the MongoConnector Plugin. It supports data sync between MongoDB and Elastic Search.

1) Install Mongo Connector in your server.

pip install mongo-connector

2) Install Doc Manager based on target system. There are various implementations for Doc Manager based on the Target system. Install the one that supports Elastic Search and in particular the version that you have. Eg)

pip install 'mongo-connector[elastic5]'

3) Start Mongo Connector with configurations of the source(mongodb) and target systems. Eg)

mongo-connector -m : -t http://localhost:8983/solr> -d

Now data will be automatically synced up between the two systems.

For more information, use the following links,




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