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java.lang.SecurityException: Failed to find provider KickObject for user?

I am getting crash android app while saving data using https://github.com/emilsjolander/sprinkles . its only crashing in Samsung s8.

java.lang.SecurityException: Failed to find provider KickObject for user 0; expected to find a valid ContentProvider for this authority at android.os.Parcel.readException(Parcel.java:1948) at android.os.Parcel.readException(Parcel.java:1894) at android.content.IContentService$Stub$Proxy.notifyChange(IContentService.java:801) at android.content.ContentResolver.notifyChange(ContentResolver.java:2046) at android.content.ContentResolver.notifyChange(ContentResolver.java:1997) at se.emilsjolander.sprinkles.Model$1.onTransactionCommitted(Model.java:138) at se.emilsjolander.sprinkles.Transaction.finish(Transaction.java:58) at se.emilsjolander.sprinkles.Model.save(Model.java:81)

Why is this happening?

Content change notifications
Android 8.0 (API level 26) changes how ContentResolver.notifyChange() and registerContentObserver(Uri, boolean, ContentObserver) behave for apps targeting Android 8.0.

These APIs now require that a valid ContentProvider is defined for the authority in all Uris. Defining a valid ContentProvider with relevant permissions will help defend your app against content changes from malicious apps, and prevent you from leaking potentially private data to malicious apps.


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