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QML Tableview display value from selected row

I have a tableview and I want to open a dialog box on onPressAndHold on a row and display the value of the cell of the row "orderNumber". But i get the Error message: ReferenceError: row is not defined

TableView {
    id: tableviewopenorders
    height: 180
    clip: false
    visible: true

    onPressAndHold: oocanceldialog.open()

    TableViewColumn {
        id: orderNumberColumn
        role: "orderNumber"
        title: "Order Number"

    model: openordersModel

ListModel {
    id: openordersModel

    ListElement {
        orderNumber: "1223455"

    ListElement {
        orderNumber: "111111"


Dialog {
    id: oocanceldialog
    title: "Cancel confirmation"
    standardButtons: Dialog.Ok | Dialog.Cancel
    x: (parent.width - width) / 2
    y: (parent.height - height) / 2
    Label {
        text: openordersModel.get(row).orderNumber


    onAccepted: console.log("Ok clicked")
    onRejected: oocanceldialog.close()

row exists in the context of onPressAndHold , so it does not exist outside of it, to get the row we must use the currentRow attribute of the TableView :

currentRow : int

The current row index of the view. The default value is -1 to indicate that no row is selected.

In your case:

Label {
    text: openordersModel.get(tableviewopenorders.currentRow).orderNumber

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