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Resizing right panel of RadPageView in backstage mode - Telerik WinForms C#

How can I resize right panel (panel which shows pages list) of RadPageView in backstage mode? I need to make it smaller in width.


You can set width & height size like this:

this.radPageView1.GetChildAt(0).GetChildAt(0).MinSize = new System.Drawing.Size(400, 0);


Also set size with designer like this:

Click on RadPageView Task then change Item Area Width


To set margin for RadPageView use this :

this.radPageView1.GetChildAt(0).GetChildAt(0).Margin = new System.Windows.Forms.Padding(-20, 0, 0, 0); 

Also set margin with designer like this:

Click on RadPageView Task then Edit UI Element then click on StripViewItemContainer change margin


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