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set selected value in jquery multiselect dropdown

I have a scenario that I have to set the multiple values as selected in the multi-select dropdown as shown in below screenshot.

Following is my model and I have ExcursionList as the type of string List there.

 public class HotelInfo
 public List<string> ExcursionList { get; set; }

I am returning my hotel information as a JSON result in the controller and retrieve that value in jquery as shown in below code.

function LoadHotelDetails(data) {
    if (data) {
        $.each(data.ResultList, function (index, value) {

            // this console.log print ["* EARLY CHECK-IN", " * LATE CHECK-OUT", " *- REFUND -*"] value to console.




As in console.log value, I am getting 3 selected value. But in my dropdown, It's selecting only one value as shown in the below screenshot.

I am really thankful if anybody can help me here.

Note: val is use set value using value attribute of drop-down eg

 <option value="1" > option 1  </option>
 <option value="2" > option 2  </option>

In your case you need to set value using text().


Try this

var tempArr = [];

 function LoadHotelDetails(data) {
if (data) {
    $.each(data.ResultList, function (index, value) {

        // this console.log print ["* EARLY CHECK-IN", " * LATE CHECK-OUT", " *- REFUND -*"] value to console.
    }); //closing of each

      //  $('#excursion').multiselect('refresh');
  tempArr = []; //empty temp array

Thanks For the help. I was able to fix the issue using razor view engine and C#. Without using jquery.

 @Html.ListBoxFor(model => model.ExcursionList, ((IEnumerable<SelectListItem>)ViewBag.ExList), new { @class = "form-control", id = "excursion", multiple = "multiple" })

The above works perfectly by selecting the dropdown values correctly

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