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Output minified javascript file to a different directory with YUI Compressor File Watcher in IntelliJ

I'm using YUI Compressor JS as my file watcher in intellij to minify my javascript files. The compressor works fine when i set 'Arguments' and 'Output path to refresh' parameters like below:

Arguments = $FileName$ -o $FileNameWithoutExtension$.min.js   
Output path to refresh = $FileNameWithoutExtension$.min.js 

It then produces the minified file in the original file's folder. What I can not achieve here is that I want minified files to be placed in some other directory.
So far I tried to set the two aforementioned parameters with values below:

Arguments= $FileName$ -o $FileParentDir$-min\$FileDirName$\$FileNameWithoutExtension$.min.js   
Output paths to refresh = $FileNameWithoutExtension$.min.js

But it then generates the minified version of the javascript file and overwrites it to the original file; prompting me with 'File Cache Conflict' dialoge like below.
File Cache Conflict Dialoge Image
My original javascript files reside in 'webapp/resources/js' folder, but I want minified files to be generated in 'webapp/resources/js-min' folder with the same structure as in 'webapp/resources/js' folder.

您是否尝试过$ FileParentDir $ / js-min / $ FileNameWithoutExtension $ .min.js?

Are you on Windows? YUI Compressor doesn't seem to accept Windows absolute path as a -o value... When I run java -jar yuicompressor-2.4.8.jar -v -o C:\\WebstormProjects\\untitled3\\webapp\\resources\\js-min\\sub\\subsub\\f3.min.js f3.js , no f3.min.js is produced, the original file is modified instead:( As far as I can see from the last comment in https://github.com/yui/yuicompressor/issues/78 thread, the bug should be fixed in yuicompressor-2.4.9. But this version is not available at https://github.com/yui/yuicompressor/releases , and the link to jar provided in comment seems to be outdated... In general, I'd strongly recommend using a different JS minifier, as YUI Compressor looks dead - no updates since 2013

n the Arguments text box, type: $FileName -o / your_custom_directory / the Arguments pass to compresssor and it put your out put file in your_custom_directory then in "out put path to refresh" insert your_custom_directory too,this pass to phpstorm for indexing file

for me its like this

js>my_js_file js>min>result

Arguments: $FileName$ -o $FileDir$/min/$FileNameWithoutExtension$.min.js output paths to refresh:/min

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