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Trying to launch parallel TestNG tests from Maven using Surefire

I am trying to to launch parallel TestNG tests from Maven using Surefire, but with little success so far.

My suite has 4 tests, but Maven is so far just running the tests one at a time, in series. Only when one test finishes does the next one start.

I would be very grateful if you could look at the config I am using and let me know if you spot anything amiss or have any general suggestions.

This is how surefire is configured in pom.xml: -


This is my suite file (MyTestSuite.xml): -

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><!DOCTYPE suite SYSTEM "http://testng.org/testng-1.0.dtd">

    <suite name="My Custom suite" parallel="classes">
        <parameter name="driver.type" value="CHROME"/>
        <parameter name="environment" value="DEV"/>
        <parameter name="timeout" value="5000"/>
        <parameter name="maxAttempts" value="20"/>
        <parameter name="logLevel" value="INFO"/>
        <parameter name="driver.quit" value="true"/>
            <suite-file path="./Test1.xml"/>
            <suite-file path="./Test2.xml"/>
            <suite-file path="./Test3.xml"/>
            <suite-file path="./Test4.xml"/>

And here is an example of one of the individual suite files (Test1.xml): -

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE suite SYSTEM "http://testng.org/testng-1.0.dtd">
<suite name="Test Suite 1" parallel="classes">
    <test verbose="10" name="Test1" annotations="JDK">
            <class name="com.me.test.Test1" />

The tests run successfully, but in series, not parallel. Any suggestions would be most welcome. I have had no problem getting surefire to run my Cucumber tests in parallel, but no luck so far with TestNG. Thank you for reading.

You are working with a suite of suites. By default when TestNG sees a suite of suites, it runs them in sequence unless instructed otherwise.

In your case, you can trigger parallel suite execution by configuring your surefire plugin as below :

First add up properties as below


and then define the surefire plugin as below:


You can now run your tests using the command mvn clean test -Dthreads=1

For more details on parallel execution and running suites in parallel without using a suite of suites, you can refer to my blog post here .

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