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Loop in assembly language MASM

I was trying to create a for loop in assembly to print out all integers from 0 to N-1. For some reason it breaks and creates an infinite loop. Any ideas why? I am using visual studio 2013 masm

x           DWORD   0
y           DWORD   0

        invoke version
        invoke readInteger
        add x, eax
        cmp eax, y
        je done

        invoke writeInteger, y
        inc y
        cmp y, eax
        jg increase

        invoke writeInteger, x

        invoke ExitProcess,0

    end main

writeInteger will destroy the contents of EAX and so you can't readily use it in cmp y, eax

Even with that corrected will the loop not work because you need to go back to increase when the y variable is less than x

Because you start y at zero and increment it, all numbers involved will (need to) be positive

If the input is zero, you should display nothing since the input expresses a count !

Putting all together, this is a solution:

 invoke   readInteger
 test     eax, eax
 jz       exitNow
 mov      x, eax                ;x=[1,2GB-1]
 invoke   writeInteger, y
 inc      y
 mov      eax, x
 cmp      y, eax
 jne      increase
 invoke   ExitProcess,0

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