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Join a report table based on three relational tables

Below are the given tables:

`student`                  `subject`
-------------------        ------------------- 
id    name                 id    subject
-------------------        -------------------
1     Alice                1     Maths
2     Bob                  2     Science
3     Eve                  3     Economics
-------------------        -------------------

id     student_id      subject_id       marks
1      1               1                30
2      1               2                40
3      2               3                50
4      3               1                60
5      3               2                70

I need an output which should look like below:

name          subject          marks
Alice         Maths            30
Alice         Science          10
Alice         Economics        NULL
Bob           Maths            NULL
Bob           Science          NULL
Bob           Economics        50
Eve           Maths            60
Eve           Science          70
Eve           Economics        NULL

Please note that I am targeting MySQL 5.6.x syntax and I have created a SQL fiddle of above here to ease access to the question.

Here you go

from student as st
cross join subject as su
left join marks as m on m.student_id=st.id and m.subject_id=su.id
order by st.name, su.subject
SELECT student.name,
    FROM student 
    JOIN subject ON student.id = subject.id
    JOIN marks ON student.id = marks.id 
    ORDER BY student.name,

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