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want to identify element with JSP core<c:if> tag using selenium webdriver using xpath or any other locators

<tr class="odd" role="row">
<td>Product for tours</td>
<ul class="icons-list">
<c:if test="true">
<li class="text-info-600">
<a href="edit-se-product_mst-90" title="View">
<i class="icon-eye"/>

Above is the html body. Want to click on the icon-eye element. How do we identify this element using selenium locators?

This XPath,


will select i elements with @class attribute value of icon-eye beneath the tr element whose td child has a string value of PRODTUT020 .

Depending upon what's more invariant across your general cases, you might change PRODTUT020 to Product for tours -- both work for the case you show.

It avoids having to name the namespaced element by skipping past it via // .

如果要在c:if元素中获取i ,可以使用以下表达式

'//*[name()="c:if" and @test="true"]//i'

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