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Integrating Liferay UI tag in XHTML page

Is there any way to put liferay UI tag in XHTML page (JSF).

For example, I would like to put the following tag (liferay-ui:message key="hello") in XHTML. I have already the JSF webapp but I'm stuck on configurations (xml, etc..) to put this liferay UI tag inside xhtml.

Many thanks for helping me.

liferay-ui: tags are JSP tags, so they are incompatible with JSF facelets. In order to obtain an internationalized message in a Liferay Faces portlet, you can use the i18n map feature instead: #{i18n['key']} .

As of the release of Liferay Faces Portal 3.0.0 , the Liferay Faces team has created several portal: components to enable the functionality of Liferay's JSP tags in JSF facelets:

  • liferay-ui:captcha -> portal:captcha
  • liferay-ui:input-editor -> portal:inputRichText
  • liferay-ui:search -> portal:inputSearch
  • liferay-ui:header -> portal:header
  • aui:nav -> portal:nav
  • aui:nav-item -> portal:navItem
  • aui:nav-bar -> portal:navBar
  • liferay-security:permissionsURL -> portal:permissionsURL
  • liferay-portlet:runtime -> portal:runtime

Similarly, Liferay Faces Alloy can be used to replace many of the aui: tags. Liferay Faces Alloy provides components based on AlloyUI and Bootstrap CSS so they are styled exactly like any built-in Liferay components.

Full Disclosure: I am a member of the Liferay Faces team and have worked on both Liferay Faces Alloy and Portal.

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