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C# WPF loading images from Resources

For some reason, I am getting the assembly name for every time I am trying to bind to an Image. I am getting System.Windows.Control.Image in my TextBlock rather than the image itself.

My XAML looks like this

<TextBlock FontSize="16">
        <MultiBinding StringFormat=" {0} {1}">
           <Binding Path="Icon"></Binding>
           <Binding Path="Name"></Binding>

And in my Model class, I am creating an Image like this:

public Image Icon
       if (isFolder)
           Image folderImage = new Image();
           BitmapImage logo = new BitmapImage();
           logo.UriSource = new Uri("pack://application:,,,/ComputerProject;component/Resources/FolderIcon.jpg");
           folderImage.Source = logo;
           return folderImage;
            return new Image(); //TODO

Can this be done in a TextBlock? I have tried using multiple textblocks rather than doing the StringFormatting but that didn't work either.

Simply use an Image and a TextBlock element:

<StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal">
    <Image Source="{Binding Icon}"/>
    <TextBlock Text="{Binding Name}"/>

where the Icon property is of type ImageSource , Uri or just string .


public ImageSource Icon
        if (isFolder)
            return new BitmapImage(new Uri(

        return null; //TODO

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