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Why does TypeError appear occasionally?

My python scrapping program is running into TypeError.

Here's my code:

from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import requests, feedparser

cqrss = feedparser.parse('https://www.reddit.com/r/pics/new.rss')

for submission in cqrss.entries:
    folder_name = submission.title #use for create folder
    reddit_url = submission.link
    source = requests.get(reddit_url)
    plain_text = source.content
    soup = BeautifulSoup(plain_text, 'lxml')
    title = soup.find('a', 'title may-blank outbound', href=True)
    if 'imgur.com' in title['href']:
        imgur_link = title['href']


if 'imgur.com' in title['href']:

TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not subscriptable

What did I do wrong?

find "fails" (ie does not find anything) for some data and returns None .

if title and 'imgur.com' in title['href']:
    imgur_link = title['href']

should work.

Note that print was moved under the if clause, as it obviously does not make sense to call it, if data isn't there.

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