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Show All Users as admin in laravel5.4

I login as Admin in laravel and want see all users that are in users table,I used Rapid Authentication to login admin,my admin\\login controller has this code:

 use AuthenticatesUsers;

protected $redirectTo = 'admin/home';

public function __construct()

public function showLoginForm()
    return view('admin.login');
protected function guard()
    return Auth::guard('admin');

I Want in admin\\home page I give list of projects and users are in users table,I used this code but say to me that users and projects undefind:

<div class="text-muted text-size-small">{{$users()->count()}}</div>

<div class="text-muted text-size-small">{{$projects()->count()}}</div>

How I can send Users and projects object to this view,that when admin login see their count?

The reason why you get an undefined error is because you did not send user and project data to view.

Let's say you have an AdminHomeController with a method that returns a view

//Your route should look like this


class AdminHomeController extends Controller {

        public function showUsers(){

        $users =User::all(); //get all users
    $projects =Project::all(); //get all projects

        return view('admin.home',['users'=>$users,'projects'=>$projects]); //send users and projects to view

Do have a look at laravel official documentation

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