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Using R to retrieve the column in data.frame with column name in the sequence

I want to just run a small data let say data<-read.csv("test.csv", header=TRUE) with column name 100, 102, ..., 300 (Note: in data.frame, R would add X in front of the column name since it is a number. How I can choose the data frame from spesific column name with sequence 4? Which is

X100   X104   X108  X112  ...
 1.2    1.3    1.1   1.5   
 1.2    1.3    1.1   1.5   

I tried here but not working


I think you have a little too much in your paste function. Try this instead:

new <- data[, paste0("X", seq(100,300,4))]

That should work based on the info you provided

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