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Spring: how to use @PropertySource to import resource files which are not in classpath?

In many documents, the usage is @PropertySource is usually like:


In my Spring-boot project, I have the following in application.properties


and in java source:

@PropertySource(value = {"${config.path}"}, encoding="utf-8")
public class MyConfig {
    private String index;

    public String getIndex() {
       return index;


But I get the following exception:

Caused by: java.io.FileNotFoundException: class path resource [home/myservice/config.properties] cannot be opened because it does not exist

it seems to me that @PropertySource import resource files in classpath by default, so my question is how to use @PropertySource to import resource files which are not in classpath?

You can cascade the PropertySources to provide fallback/default value.

        @PropertySource(value = "classpath:/document.properties"),
        @PropertySource(value ="file:/conf/document.properties", ignoreResourceNotFound=true)
public class MyConfig {


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