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How to verify Spring LDAP connection pooling configuration?

I have configured LDAP connection pooling in a Spring boot application for LDAP searches (not LDAP binds). Here is my LDAP configuration:

public ContextSource poolingLdapContextSource() {

    PoolingContextSource poolingContextSource = new PoolingContextSource();
    poolingContextSource.setDirContextValidator(new DefaultDirContextValidator());

    return poolingContextSource;

public LdapContextSource ldapContextSource() {
    LdapContextSource contextSource = new LdapContextSource();
    contextSource.setUrls(ldapUrls.toArray(new String[]{}));

    return contextSource;

public LdapTemplate ldapTemplate() throws Exception {
    return new LdapTemplate(poolingLdapContextSource());

I have enabled debug logging in application.yml as follows:

org.springframework.ldap: debug

org.springframework.ldap.pool: debug

In the logs I see the following:

17-10-10 16:11:12:976 DEBUG oslcsAbstractContextSource - AuthenticationSource not set - using default implementation 2017-10-10 16:11:12:976 DEBUG oslcsAbstractContextSource - **Not using LDAP pooling** 2017-10-10 16:11:12:976 DEBUG oslcsAbstractContextSource - Trying provider Urls: ldap://xxx:389 ldap://yyy:389


  1. Why does log say "Not using LDAP pooling"?
  2. How to get more detailed logging regarding pooling, to get more insight into when Spring opens a new connection, how many active connections exist, etc.?

Might not help you now after a year or more but even with TRACE, no more logging comes out of org.springframework.ldap or org.springframework.security .

You could prove it to yourself in another couple of ways.

  • don't provide the non-pooled LdapContextSource . Just provide it programmatically to PoolingContextSource.setContextSource()

  • run the server in debug and put a break-point in PoolingContextSource.getContext() .

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