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razor html to string using Quartz

I have been trying to obtain a html and translate the razor code in a string to send and email to multiple users. The emails are scheduled by Quartz and send to the users.

The mail is generating a link via @Url.Action . I notice that I don't have a Controller nor HttpContext at this point on my application. I have been trying a way to translate the razor code ( RazorEngine and MvcMailer ) to a string and sending in the email, but with no use because I cannot translate the @Url.Action and can't find a working package MvcMailer for Visual Studio 2017

Is there a way to possible do this?

Here is the template of the Email:

Hi @ViewBag.RecipientName,

Client that buy this item is @Model.ClientName 
<p> <a href='@Url.Action("Index", "Item", new { ItemId = Model.ItemId}, Request.Url.Scheme)'>Click here to check the Item</a> </p>


Here is the email generator

public MailMessage GetMessage(EmailModel notification)

    string BodyTemplate = ReplaceEmailBody(notification);

    return new MailMessage
        To = { "testuser@testdomain.com" },
        Subject = DateTime.Now.ToString(),
        IsBodyHtml = true,
        Body = BodyTemplate

Here is my rubbish attempt to replace the razor:

    private string ReplaceEmailBody(EmailModel notification)
        string notificationBody = "";

        notificationBody = Templates.Resources.MailTemplate;

        notificationBody = notificationBody.Replace("@ViewBag.RecipientName", notification.RecipientName);
        notificationBody = notificationBody.Replace("@ViewBag.RecipientEmailAddress", notification.RecipientEmailAddress);
        notificationBody = notificationBody.Replace("@Model.CLIENT_NAME", notification.ClientName);

        //Need to replace the Url.Action

All this code is running in a execute job of Quartz

I'm using Visual Studio 2017

As @Stanislav Nedeljkovic suggested, I put the Url on a config file and manage to create and HttpContext with it. Then I could translate the rest with RazorEngine .

        var request = new HttpRequest("/", ConfigFile.Url, "");
        var response = new HttpResponse(new StringWriter());
        httpContext = new HttpContext(request, response);

        var httpContextBase = new HttpContextWrapper(httpContext);
        var routeData = new RouteData();
        var requestContext = new RequestContext(httpContextBase, routeData);

        var urlHelper = new UrlHelper(requestContext);
        var url = urlHelper.Action("Index", "Item", new { ItemId = model.itemId});

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