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How to specify a service override further down the dependency graph in Castle Windsor?

Here is a simplification of my scenario.

I have some interfaces IFoo , IBar , and IBaz with their implementations Foo , Bar and Baz .

Foo depends on IBar and Bar depends on IBaz , so the dependency graph looks like this:


My Windsor config looks like this, and everything works as expected:


Now I need to introduce a new SpecialBaz , and I want to use it instead of the old Baz when my dependency graph begins with a Foo . The rest of the app will continue to the the old Baz :

      Foo           SomethingElse
       |                  |
      Bar                Bar
       |                  |
   SpecialBaz            Baz

I have tried naming the SpecialBaz with the ServiceOverride api:

container.Register(Component.For<IBaz>().Named("special baz").ImplementedBy<SpecialBaz>());

                            .DependsOn(ServiceOverride.ForKey<IBaz>().Eq("special baz")));

And specifying the dependency:



But neither approach worked.

Is this possible in Castle Windsor, and how do I wire it up?

The short answer is yes - Castle Windsor can. Every DI container can. I will offer you a rule to remember by which you can resolve most of your dependency problems.

The long answer.

The rule : Every point of indirection requires a layer of abstraction . Keep this rule in mind when you try to build dependency resolutions in apps. And there are two kinds of indirections as far as I know - static and dynamic.

You need to change the graph at one point and only once ( indirections ) but somehow you need to traverse the dependecies graph at runtime to see if your Baz is requested for Foo or not. So you need a factory of some kind( the abstraction thingie ).

You have two options depending on the answer of one question:

Is my change dependent on static or dynamic conditions?

For example - If you depend on incoming user data or environment data - you are in the dynamic case in which you will need yo use Dynamic Parameters or something else capable.

In your case your dependency is static.

and I want to use it instead of the old Baz when my dependency graph begins with a Foo.

The condition for special Baz never changes once the beginning of the graph is Foo.

You can achieve this with Factory method or Typed Factory Componend Selector. I provide you an example with Factory Method :

using System;
using Castle.MicroKernel.Registration;

namespace ConsoleApp1
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            var container = new Castle.Windsor.WindsorContainer();


                    (k, c) =>
                        IBaz resolved = null;
                        var requestingType = c.Handler.ComponentModel.Implementation;
                        if (requestingType == typeof(Foo))
                            resolved = new Baz();
                            resolved = new BazSpecial();

                        return resolved;

            var f = container.Resolve<IFoo>();
            var se = container.Resolve<ISomethingElse>();

    internal interface IBar

    internal interface IBaz

    internal interface IFoo

    interface ISomethingElse


    internal class Bar : IBar
        private readonly IBaz baz;

        public Bar(IBaz baz)
            this.baz = baz;


    internal class Baz : IBaz

    internal class BazSpecial : IBaz

    internal class Foo : IFoo
        private readonly IBar bar;

        public Foo(IBar bar)
            this.bar = bar;

    internal class SomethingElse : ISomethingElse
        private readonly IBar bar;

        public SomethingElse(IBar bar)

         this.bar = bar;

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