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IntelliJ IDEA: Breakpoint not being hit, and is shown without the tick, just a red dot

I have a gradle project, and when I put a breakpoint it is displayed as a red dot, with a tick inside, and it just works fine.


The problem is that in some classes (in the same project, not a dependency class), the red dot doesn't have a tick inside, and it doesn't tell why it wouldn't work. And it just doesn't work..:


What have I tried so far:

  • Gradle clean & build
  • Rebuild project
  • Restart debug
  • Invalidate caches and restart IntelliJ
  • Update IntelliJ to the latest version (2017.2.5)
  • Mute & Unmute breakpoints

This question is similar, but clearly not the same: Intellij IDEA: Breakpoint not being hit, and is shown greyed out

Did some searching through IntelliJ Help PDF:
Help Doc pg. 431

Their documentation Describes the checkmark as "Shown at run-time when the breakpoint is recognized by the debugger as set on an executable code line."

and the regular red dot as "Shown at design-time or during the debugging session when the class with such breakpoint is not yet loaded. "

So it would seem that the line you're adding the breaking point to never gets executed. You can try stepping up line by line through the class to make sure the class is not getting hung up somewhere.

I made a n00b mistake on the IDE. Instead of hitting the debug button, I thought it would work the same as visual studio or eclipse in that I'd have to use the run button, yet when I hit the debug button (That looks like an actual bug) my break-point hit just fine.

I get this same issue intermittently from time to time, I always run the latest version of IDEA. The break points are shown as red but without a tick inside them. Even after I rebuild or re-run in debug they do not get a tick, and they do not "work", ie, the code continues. I resolve by restarting IDEA, then restarting the debugger/debug run config.

The same happened with me on Mac machine. I followed these steps and all worked fine:

  1. Stop server.
  2. Close all intellij projects.
  3. Open only the specific intellij project on which my application needs to run.
  4. Start the server in debug mode.

I fixed this by manually deleting all build-related files (for some reason Rebuild did nothing) by running this command at the project's root folder. Note that it does also remove Intellij's temporary configuration files, that are usually not included in git repositories anyway. Replace MODULE with the subfolder containing the module for the project. If you are building an Android app with Android Studio the main module name is usually app .

rm -rf ./local.properties ./.gradle/ ./.idea/ ./MODULE/build/ ./MODULE/out/

Then restart Intellij with the File -> Invalidate Caches / Restart option, wait for the build and indexing to finish, and debugging should start working again.

Rebuild solved my problem.

clean & rebuild

Invalidates caches/restart if necessary

I had the same issue in my mac, tried restarting server, machine, invalidate caches and nothing helped. Then, I noticed when the server is started in debug mode, i didnt see this message: Connected to the target VM, address: '', transport: 'socket' and I realized that there could be some problem with the server as such.

Solution: Created new server using command line "./server create " and then associated this server for run configuration. Now started server in debug mode and I saw above message connected to socket port and I am able to see the tick marks on debug point.

I was also facing this issue and found that my tomcat configuration was not right.


The scope tag had value as "provided". Changed it to compile and it worked fine.

Android app configuration was the problem for me. I had minifyEnabled true in debug section inside buildTypes in build.gradle file. I had to change it to minifyEnabled false . This change forced me to set multiDexEnabled true as it states in this post Android gives error "Cannot fit requested classes in a single dex file"

I have a gradle project, and when I put a breakpoint it is displayed as a red dot, with a tick inside, and it just works fine.


The problem is that in some classes (in the same project, not a dependency class), the red dot doesn't have a tick inside, and it doesn't tell why it wouldn't work. And it just doesn't work..:


What have I tried so far:

  • Gradle clean & build
  • Rebuild project
  • Restart debug
  • Invalidate caches and restart IntelliJ
  • Update IntelliJ to the latest version (2017.2.5)
  • Mute & Unmute breakpoints

This question is similar, but clearly not the same: Intellij IDEA: Breakpoint not being hit, and is shown greyed out

我的问题通过更新 IntelliJIdea 中的 IntelliJ 得到解决 - > 检查更新..


This could be a common bug in the Intellij IDEA debugger instead use the key short cuts like F8 and F9 etc during the debug steps for [ step over and run to debug next point etc..] and don't rely on the debug console buttons provided in the ide

出于某种原因,我们在从 java 11 升级到 17 时遇到了这种情况。修复是使用 SpringBoot 配置而不是 maven 配置来运行/调试。

对我来说这是一个端口问题,我不知道为什么,但我不得不回到我用于 tomcat 的端口 8082。

This worked for me:

  • Make a note of the Java version in the run configuration tab (for me its JDK 9 or later)
  • Go to File -> Settings -> Search for Java compiler -> set Project Bycode version to the same version that you see in run config.
  • Stop and rerun debugging.

Run config image

  • Here is what I did.
  • My code was within an anonymous class where the debug point would not get the tick mark.
  • I extracted the code to a new instance method of the main container class. Then I was able to set debug point in the new method.

Disable breakpoint button

As shown in the picture above. You can check whether the breakpoint is disabled, the disabled breakpoint button will be grayed out there.

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