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Content of the input is "visually" unchanged


I have a problem with some inputs.

My code dynamically produces some <a> elements, and some <inputs> as well.

Let's say these <a> have class="aclass" data-input="pid" , the inputs have id="pid"

My code:

 $("#prod_category").on("change", (function(evt) { //this appens when this select change

    var valu = this.options[this.selectedIndex].value;

    //I build some divs

    var left = "<div id="div1">";
    var right = "<div id="div2">";

    //we fill further these divs, then close

    left  += "</div>";
    right += "</div>";


    $("#div1").accordion({     //I use accordion (jQuery ui) on this div
                          collapsible: true

//the links <a> with class="aclass" are located inside div1
//I have to use $(static parent element).on(evt, ".aclass", ...) I choose document
$(document).on("click", ".aclass" ,function(evt) {  
    var ele = $(this);
    var datain = ele.data("input");

    if($("#" + datain).length) {
       var elein = $("#" + datain);
       elein.attr("value", "TT");

This alerts me "TT", and the value of the input is TT indeed but the content of the input is "visually" unchanged. I tried with val() too.

What am I doing wrong?

If I get it right, you are getting the id of the input elements from the data-input field of the <a> tag and trying to change that element. However after you check if that element exists or not in:

if($("#" . datain).length())

you try to change another element but not the found one?

var elein = $("#" + dataf); 

What is dataf here? If you want to change the element you have just found, it should be

var elein = $("#" + datain); 

More elaboration is needed if your goal is different. Couldn't comment because of my reputation, would ask for more clarity otherwise.

Your code giving lot of confusion. My assumption is on data-input you will get some value, an input filed should have id with the same value. Based on that id , you want to assign the value.

You have the confusion on how to combine the value with # and how to assign the value to the new field. Look at the code below, you will get some clear idea.

 $(document).on("click", ".aclass" ,function(evt) {  
  var ele = $(this);                 
  var datain = ele.data("input");
  if(datain) {   
    var elein = $("#"+datain);     
    elein.attr("value", "TT");      


There are certain obvious syntax errors in your code such as

$("#" . datain).length()

is invalid, you it must be length

$("#" + datain).length

This works fine for me for dynamically added hyperlink and textboxes also. Below snippet works fine for me on a html page and visual representation is ok.

 $("#prod_category").on("change", (function(evt) { //this appens when this select change //evt.preventDefault(); $("#div1").remove(); $("#div2").remove(); var valu = this.options[this.selectedIndex].value; //I build some divs var left = "<div id='div1'><a class='aclass' data-input='p1'>One</a><input id='p1' type='text'/>"; var right = "<div id='div2'><a class='aclass' data-input='p2'>Two</a><input id='p2' type='text'/>"; //we fill further these divs, then close left += "</div>"; right += "</div>"; $("#static_existing_div").append(left); $("#static_existing_div2").prepend(right); $("#div1").accordion({ //I use accordion (jQuery ui) on this div collapsible: false }); })); //FOMM //the links <a> with class="aclass" are located inside div1 //I have to use $(static parent element).on(evt, ".aclass", ...) I choose document $(document).on("click", ".aclass" ,function(evt) { evt.preventDefault(); var ele = $(this); var datain = ele.data("input"); if($("#" + datain).length) { var elein = $("#" + datain); elein.attr("value", "TT"); alert(elein.val()); } });
 <script src="https://code.jquery.com/jquery-2.2.1.js" type="text/javascript"></script> <script src="https://code.jquery.com/ui/1.12.0/jquery-ui.js" type="text/javascript"></script> <select id="prod_category"> <option value="1">1</option> <option value="1">2</option> <option value="1">3</option> <option value="1">4</option> <option value="1">5</option> </select> <div id="static_existing_div"></div> <div id="static_existing_div2"></div>

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