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Meetup API using RoR. Getting NameError: uninitialized constant Event in the rails console

Looking for some help with the Meetup.com API I'm trying to add to my Rails app. My purpose is just to have a view of local meetups when you open the app.

Here is my code so far:

Routes.rb (at the bottom before the last 'end'):

root 'meetup#get_meetup' 


class MeetupController < ApplicationController
  def get_meetup
    if params[:city] && params[:name]
      @Event = Event.new(params[:city], params[:name])
      @event = Event.new("90034", "networking")


class Event
  attr_reader :city, :nam
  def initialize(city, name)

url = "http://api.meetup.com/2/events?key#{ENV["meetup_api_key"]}&group_urlname=Girl-Develop-It-Austin&sign=true.json"

    response = HTTParty.get(url)

    @event = response["event"]

    @city = city
    @name = name

I tried to create a new event search using the params for the city and name (aka the event categories) in the rails console.

rails console: Event.new("Austin", "networking")

and it gave me the error NameError: uninitialized constant Event

**I'm still new to using third party API's especially with Rails so I haven't found too much information online about how to correctly get them to work. If someone could please give me some insight into why this isn't correct...or if theres a great article/website to help me with these please let me know!!

Restart the server after copy pasting, personally never tried to use meetup api.


Meetup.new(city, name)


config.eager_load_paths << Rails.root.join('lib')


require 'rest-client'
require 'net/http'
require 'json'

class Meetup

  attr_reader :city, :name
  def initialize(city, name)

    resp = RestClient.get("http://api.meetup.com/2/events?key#{ENV['meetup_api_key']}&group_urlname=Girl-Develop-It-Austin&sign=true.json")
    resp = RestClient.get("http://api.meetup.com/2/events", 
        { key: ENV['meetup_api_key'], 
          group_urlname: "Girl-Develop-It-Austin",
          sign: true

    @event = JSON.parse(resp, { symbolize_names: true })[:event]

    @city = city
    @name = name

Try to move your code into service object

Create a folder services inside app folder. Then move your Event class to service folder. Also in initialize method, a good practice is you initialize only the variable. For parsing creating another method.And lastly, you have done a spelling mistake which I have corrected

 class Event
      include HTTParty
      attr_reader :city, :name ##you have made a spelling mistake

      def initialize(city, name)   
        @city = city
        @name = name

      def parsing
        url = "http://api.meetup.com/2/events?key#
        response = HTTParty.get(url)
        @event = response["event"]


You need to restart your rails console using reload! also you've mentioned above meetup.rb file which includes

  class MeetUp #you need to change class name 
      attr_reader :city, :name
      def initialize(city, name)

      url = "http://api.meetup.com/2/events?key#ENV["meetup_api_key"]}&group_urlname=Girl-Develop-It-Austin&sign=true.json"

      response = HTTParty.get(url)

       @event = response["event"]
       @city = city
       @name = name

If your filename is meet_up.rb the class name must MeetUp not Event Please change your class name or else you can change filename as event.rb

You can not define model or inside class as different name I hope my answer will help you. Thanks

Class name should be file_name_except_extension.classify . Therefore it would be 'meet_up'.classify ie MeetUp and not Event

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