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Get Angular Material theme color scheme/palette for other elements

I am building an application but I want to keep a consistent color scheme that can be changed with settings so I'm using Angular-Material, but I am not sure how to get the color scheme on elements that don't directly offer the ability to color them with color="primary" so I'm left with trying to figure out how to obtain the color/color scheme that my Material theme uses. I want it to change when the theme changes, for instance, my navbar will adapt to the theme change because its set to

<mat-toolbar color="primary" class="fixed-navbar mat-elevation-z10">

But a grid element from Material doesn't take the same argument so I'm left to attempt to style it in a close enough color or simply not match it at all (and it won't adjust to theme changes) as seen here:


I want it to match the color with the theme mat, which is here (and gets changed on options selected in navbar settings)

@import '~@angular/material/theming';

@include mat-core();   
$candy-app-primary: mat-palette($mat-red);
$candy-app-accent:  mat-palette($mat-deep-orange, A200, A100, A400);
$candy-app-warn:    mat-palette($mat-red);
$candy-app-theme: mat-dark-theme($candy-app-primary, $candy-app-accent, $candy-app-warn);

// Include theme styles for core and each component used in your app.
// Alternatively, you can import and @include the theme mixins for each component
// that you are using.
.default {
  @include angular-material-theme($candy-app-theme);
.light {
  $light-primary: mat-palette($mat-blue, 200,300, 900);
  $light-accent:  mat-palette($mat-light-blue, 600, 100, 800);
  $light-warn:    mat-palette($mat-red, 600);
  $light-theme: mat-dark-theme($light-primary, $light-accent, $light-warn);
  @include angular-material-theme($light-theme);
@include angular-material-theme($candy-app-theme);

I found an awesome workaround!!!! I'm so excited to show this because its been bugging me how to implement this for ages. So here goes; First, change all of your css files to scss;

For existing projects

  • Run in console ng set defaults.styleExt=scss

(ng set seems to have been depreciated, but you can check out this for a fix thanks to user @wlyles get/set have been deprecated in favor of the config command )

  • Rename all existing .css files to .scss
  • Manually change the file extention of styles in .angular-cli.json from .css to .scss
  • If you didnt use a tool like WebStorm Refactor to rename then manually change all the styleUrls from .css to .scss

For future projects

  • Just for your new project simply use ng new your-project-name --style=scss

  • For all new projects to use scss use ng set defaults.styleExt=scss --global

Now you will need to have a theme.scss file in your app root like so: 主题在哪里

Now in your style.scss file you want to add the following (as you can see I referrence background-color but you can change this to any element to theme your site however you want):

EDIT : You dont NEED to put this custom @mixin element in your styles.scss you can put it in any one of your *name*.component.scss and then simply import and include it the same way you do with the example given!

@import '~@angular/material/theming';

// Define a custom mixin that takes in the current theme
@mixin theme-color-grabber($theme) {
  // Parse the theme and create variables for each color in the pallete
  $primary: map-get($theme, primary);
  $accent: map-get($theme, accent);
  $warn: map-get($theme, warn);
  // Create theme specfic styles
  .primaryColorBG {
    background-color: mat-color($primary);
  .accentColorBG {
    background-color: mat-color($accent);
  .warnColorBG {
    background-color: mat-color($warn);

Now go to your theme.scss file that you use to theme your Material 2 items, if you need help theming check this out: Material 2 Github - Theming guide

Now open your theme.scss and import your style.scss, since my theme.scss is within the root of the /src/app/theme.scss folder I must first go out of it to reference my /src/styles.scss global styling file like so;

@import '../styles';

Then we must actually include our new custom @mixin we created in ALL our themes (if you have multiple like I do, so it changes color according to current selected theme).

Include it above the actual angular-material-theme include, like so:

@include theme-color-grabber($theme);
@include angular-material-theme($theme);

If you have any themes like me add it in the same position like so:

.light {
  $light-primary: mat-palette($mat-blue, 200,300, 900);
  $light-accent:  mat-palette($mat-light-blue, 600, 100, 800);
  $light-warn:    mat-palette($mat-red, 600);
  $light-theme: mat-dark-theme($light-primary, $light-accent, $light-warn);
  @include theme-color-grabber($light-theme);
  @include angular-material-theme($light-theme);


You can see I added my theme-color-grabber above the include, it doesnt really matter if its above or below the actual theme because its getting the themes colors which is the main point.

My whole themes.scss looks like this:

@import '~@angular/material/theming';
//We import our custom scss component here
@import '../styles';

@include mat-core();

$theme-primary: mat-palette($mat-red);
$theme-accent:  mat-palette($mat-deep-orange, A200, A100, A400);
$theme-warn:    mat-palette($mat-red);
$theme: mat-dark-theme($theme-primary, $theme-accent, $theme-warn);
@include theme-color-grabber($theme);
@include angular-material-theme($theme);
.light {
  $light-primary: mat-palette($mat-blue, 200,300, 900);
  $light-accent:  mat-palette($mat-light-blue, 600, 100, 800);
  $light-warn:    mat-palette($mat-red, 600);
  $light-theme: mat-dark-theme($light-primary, $light-accent, $light-warn);
  @include theme-color-grabber($light-theme);
  @include angular-material-theme($light-theme);


And finally we can now call on our themes color for a background ANYWHERE!, for instance I give a mat-grid-tile the 'primary' color (it doesn't take the color='' argument, like other elements such as mat-toolbar) by simply setting its class to the appropriate class name like so:

EDIT: In each of your components scss files, you will need to import '<path-to>/theme.scss' in order for your theme to apply to that component. Don't import theme.scss in styles.scss because that will create an import loop!

<mat-grid-list cols="4" rows="4" rowHeight="100px">
    <div fxLayout="column" fxLayoutAlign="center center">
      <h1 class="title-font">Callum</h1>
      <h1 class="title-font">Tech</h1>
      Ambitious and ready to take on the world of Information Technology,<br>
      my love for programming and all things I.T. has not wavered since I first got access<br>
      to my fathers computer at age 9.


Finally our result will look like this!:

Red theme active红色主题

Blue theme active在此处输入图片说明

I personally put those in css4 variables so I can use those without imports like so

background: var(--color-primary)

And here is how to set up the css4 variables

@import '~@angular/material/theming';
// Include the common styles for Angular Material. We include this here so that you only
// have to load a single css file for Angular Material in your app.
// Be sure that you only ever include this mixin once!
@include mat-core();

// Define the palettes for your theme using the Material Design palettes available in palette.scss
// (imported above). For each palette, you can optionally specify a default, lighter, and darker
// hue. Available color palettes: https://material.io/design/color/
$app-primary: mat-palette($mat-blue);
$app-accent:  mat-palette($mat-orange);
$app-warn:    mat-palette($mat-red);
$app-success: mat-palette($mat-light-green);

// Create the theme object (a Sass map containing all of the palettes).
$app-theme: mat-light-theme($app-primary, $app-accent, $app-warn);

// Include theme styles for core and each component used in your app.
// Alternatively, you can import and @include the theme mixins for each component
// that you are using.
@include angular-material-theme($app-theme);

$primary: map-get($app-theme, primary);
$accent: map-get($app-theme, accent);

:root {
  --color-primary: #{mat-color($app-primary)};
  --color-accent: #{mat-color($app-accent)};
  --color-warn: #{mat-color($app-warn)};
  --color-success: #{mat-color($app-success)};

now colors can be used in css files without import with

background: var(--color-primary)


A new version of this solution was published here:


If you only need the answer of the asked question, probably is better to refer to the first version of the answer, below. Also, I recommend to read this section of the above repo's documentation: Use material themes for other elements .

But if want other capabilities you see in the below video, I recommend this new approach.


Thank StackBlitz



stackblitz here

Most important parts:

In your styles.scss (or themes.scss if you have):

@import '~@angular/material/theming';

@include mat-core();

@mixin define-css-classes($theme) {
    @include angular-material-theme($theme);

    $primary: map-get($theme, primary);
    $accent: map-get($theme, accent);
    $warn: map-get($theme, warn);
    $background: map-get($theme, background);
    $foreground: map-get($theme, foreground);

    .theme-dependent-colors {
        background: mat-color($primary);
        color: mat-color($accent);

* Define your custom themes in this map. 
* The `key` of each member is the name of CSS class for that theme. 
* To better understand the schema of the map, see `@each` loop below and especially pay attention to `map-has-key()` functions.
$app-themes: (
        indigo-pink : (primary-base: $mat-indigo, accent-base: $mat-pink),
        deeppurple-amber: (primary-base: $mat-deep-purple, accent-base: $mat-amber),
        pink-bluegrey : (primary-base: $mat-pink, accent-base: $mat-blue-gray, is-dark: true),
        purple-green : (primary-base: $mat-purple, accent-base: $mat-green, is-dark: true),

@each $css-class, $theme in $app-themes {
    $primary: if(map-has-key($theme, primary), map-get($theme, primary), mat-palette(map-get($theme, primary-base)));

    $accent: if(map-has-key($theme, accent), map-get($theme, accent), mat-palette(map-get($theme, accent-base)));

    $warn: if(map-has-key($theme, warn), map-get($theme, warn), mat-palette(
            if(map-has-key($theme, warn-base), map-get($theme, warn-base), $mat-red)

    .#{$css-class} {
        @include define-css-classes(mat-light-theme($primary, $accent, $warn));

    .#{$css-class}-dark {
        @include define-css-classes(mat-dark-theme($primary, $accent, $warn));

    .theme-primary.#{$css-class} {
        background-color: mat-color($primary);


Dynamic-theme-changing, using setTheme() in typescript (see here and here ):

import {Component, HostBinding} from '@angular/core';
import {OverlayContainer} from "@angular/cdk/overlay";

const THEME_DARKNESS_SUFFIX = `-dark`;

export class AppComponent {
    @HostBinding('class') activeThemeCssClass: string;
    isThemeDark = false;
    activeTheme: string;

    setTheme(theme: string, darkness: boolean = null) {
        if (darkness === null)
            darkness = this.isThemeDark;
        else if (this.isThemeDark === darkness) {
            if (this.activeTheme === theme) return;
        } else
            this.isThemeDark = darkness;

        this.activeTheme = theme;

        const cssClass = darkness === true ? theme + THEME_DARKNESS_SUFFIX : theme;

        const classList = this.overlayContainer.getContainerElement().classList;
        if (classList.contains(this.activeThemeCssClass))
            classList.replace(this.activeThemeCssClass, cssClass);

        this.activeThemeCssClass = cssClass;

    constructor(overlayContainer: OverlayContainer) {
        this.setThemeClass('indigo-pink', false); // Default theme

See other things in stackblitz .

CAVEAT: Adding 8 dynamic material themes to the app (4 lights + 4 darks) increased the size of built styles.css by ~420 kB in my case (compared with one static material theme).

I'm an absolute newbie and maybe this is an out of good practices, useless for this case, or a resource consuming solution, but at myangularthemefile.scss , i had created these classes:

@import '~@angular/material/theming';
@include mat-core();


    color: mat-color($mitjans-primary)

.matcoloraccent {
    color: mat-color($mitjans-accent);

.matcolorwarn {
    color: mat-color($mitjans-warn);

And I add them to those html elements I need at the component's template.

I supose it would be easy to create the same structure for background-colors...

Could this be an alternative to including sass artifacts in every shadow dom component stylesheet for small projects?

  1. Set application styles rule to SASS:
    Updating Custom components theme in run-time require use of @mixin therefore your application style rules should be SASS (not CSS). You can read here on how to config Angular-Cli with SASS: https://scotch.io/tutorials/using-sass-with-the-angular-cli

  2. Define @mixin for custom component:
    In each component that uses theme colors, create a @mixin in its .scss file. For this component extract all the color definition. And move them into the @mixin , like this:

// --- file: my-component_1.scss ---
@import '~@angular/material/theming'; // we need to add this so we could use Material functions
@mixin set-theme-component-1($theme)
  // Extract whichever individual palettes you need from the theme.
  $primary-palette: map-get($theme, primary);
  $accent-palette:  map-get($theme, accent);
  $warn-palette:    map-get($theme, warn);

    background-color: mat-color($primary-palette); // use the mat-color function to extract the color from the palette
    border-color: mat-color($warn-palette);

// Style rules that aren't theme/color related (size, font, etc)
  width: 100%;
  1. Define a themes file:
    You will need to define a themes file (if you haven't done so already) and invoke the @mixin s we defined in this file, like this:
// --- file: app.theme.scss ---
@import '~@angular/material/theming';
@include mat-core(); // include this only once in your code!!!

// each custom component that uses theme colors will be imported here - we need there @mixin
@import './some-path/some-folder/my-component_1'; // no need to specify .scss suffix

@mixin set-theme($theme) // define a new @mixin that will be invoked each time the theme is changed
  @include set-theme-component-1($theme); // invoke the mixin we defined for component_1
  // repeat this for each component that uses theme colors

// define your themes:
  $light-primary: mat-palette($mat-indigo);
  $light-accent:  mat-palette($mat-pink, A200, A100, A400);
  $light-warn:    mat-palette($mat-red);
  $light-theme:   mat-light-theme($light-primary, $light-accent, $light-warn);

  @include angular-material-theme($light-theme);
  @include set-theme($light-theme); // once the theme was set, invoke the mixin

  $dark-primary:  mat-palette($mat-teal, A400);
  $dark-accent:   mat-palette($mat-grey, 800);
  $dark-warn:     mat-palette($mat-red, 700);
  $dark-theme:    mat-dark-theme($dark-primary, $dark-accent, $dark-warn);

  @include angular-material-theme($dark-theme);
  @include set-theme($dark-theme); // once the theme was set, invoke the mixin

That's that :-)

They are a few additional steps that you need to implement in order of live theming to work (they aren't related to custom components, so I will only go throw them quickly).
- Create a ThemeService that will save the current theme. This service will need to update the OverlayContainer (Angular material uses this container for background of modals like pop-ups and dropdown-lists).
- Add the theme class ( theme-dark or any other) to one of the root elements in the DOM.
- Add the class mat-app-background to one of the root elements in the DOM. This will change the background color and font color according to the theme.
- For better software design - if you have a lot of themes, splitting the theme file may be a good idea for maintenance porpoises.

You can continue reading here: https://material.angular.io/guide/theming

or see there Github project: https://github.com/angular/material2/blob/master/src/lib/core/theming/_theming.scss

If you want to have a color change according to your theme you can simply define the same variable differently nested within each of the classes that define your themes. For example in my app themes are set by assigning a class to the outer container of my app. Therefore, nested within each of the "theme classes" I can assign the same variable to be a different value. So when the "theme class" assigned to the whole app changes, the value of my variable will change along with it:

.app-light-theme {
  @include angular-material-theme($theme);
  * {
     --my-variable-color: yellow;

.app-dark-theme {
  @include angular-material-theme($altTheme);
  * {
    --my-variable-color: purple;

Then in any css file in my app I can use my variable by using var():

background-color: var(--my-variable-color);

and the color will change depending on what theme the app is set to.

You can use theme's primary, accent and warn colors simply by setting --primary --accent and --warn variables in each of your themes.

Anyone looking for implementing mixin in Angular Material 12+


    @use 'sass:map';
    @use '@angular/material' as mat;

    /// Gets the CSS property and it's computed value for both light and dark themes.
    /// @param {String} $property The css property to set. ex: background, color, background-color, border-color etc.
    /// @param {String} $color Theme color. Accepted values are: primary, accent, or warn.
    /// @param {String | Number} $hue The hue from the palette to use. If this is a value between 0 and 1, it will be treated as opacity. Ex values: 500, 500-contrast, darker, darker-contrast
    /// @returns {CssProperty} CSS property with it's computed value for the both light and dark themes.
    @mixin get-theme-color-property($property: null, $color: null, $hue: null) {
      // Get the color config from the theme.
      $light-color-config: mat.get-color-config($light-theme);
      // Get the required color palette from the color-config.
      $light-color-palette: map.get($light-color-config, $color);
      // Get the color config from the theme.
      $dark-color-config: mat.get-color-config($dark-theme);
      // Get the required color palette from the color-config.
      $dark-color-palette: map.get($dark-color-config, $color);
      @if $hue != null {
        // Finally get the desired color with the specified hue.
        $light-color: mat.get-color-from-palette($light-color-palette, $hue);
        // Finally get the desired color with the specified hue.
        $dark-color: mat.get-color-from-palette($dark-color-palette, $hue);
        & {
          #{$property}: $light-color;
        .dark-theme & {
          #{$property}: $dark-color;
      } @else {
        // Finally get the desired color with the specified hue.
        $light-color: mat.get-color-from-palette($light-color-palette, $hue);
        // Finally get the desired color with the specified hue.
        $dark-color: mat.get-color-from-palette($dark-color-palette, $hue);
        & {
          #{$property}: $light-color;
        .dark-theme & {
          #{$property}: $dark-color;


@use '/path/to/theme' as theme;
.example {
  padding: 10px 20px;
  @include theme.get-theme-color-property(background, primary);
  @include theme.get-theme-color-property(color, primary, default-contrast); // or 'lighter-contrast' or 'darker-contrast'
  color: #fff;

<mat-toolbar class="example">

For years i struggled with this.

Thanks to previous answer https://stackoverflow.com/a/54259083/1106835 , here is an implementation for angular 14 slightly different applied directly in my theme (got a dark mode too):

@use '@angular/material' as mat;
// ...custom color palettes if necessary...

$light-primary: mat.define-palette($coolGray, 700);
$light-accent: mat.define-palette($indigo, 500);
$light-warn: mat.define-palette($rose, 500);

$theme-light: mat.define-light-theme($light-primary, $light-accent, $light-warn);

$dark-primary: mat.define-palette($fuchsia, 500);
$dark-accent: mat.define-palette($sky, 500);
$dark-warn: mat.define-palette($rose, 500);

$theme-dark: mat.define-dark-theme($dark-primary, $dark-accent, $dark-warn);

.theme-light {
  @include mat.all-component-themes($theme-light);
  --color-primary: #{mat.get-color-from-palette($light-primary)};
  --color-accent: #{mat.get-color-from-palette($light-accent)};
  --color-warn: #{mat.get-color-from-palette($light-warn)};

.theme-dark {
  @include mat.all-component-themes($theme-dark);
  --color-primary: #{mat.get-color-from-palette($dark-primary, 500)};
  --color-accent: #{mat.get-color-from-palette($dark-accent, 500)};
  --color-warn: #{mat.get-color-from-palette($dark-warn, 500)};

Make sure theme is applied

 <body class="theme-light" ...

Then you can use them in any scss file. In my case i used them to define some useful classes like:

 .color { &--primary { background-color: var(--color-primary);important: } &--accent { background-color; var(--color-accent):important; } &--warn { background-color. var(--color-warn):important; } }:bg-color { &--primary { background-color; var(--color-primary):important; } &--accent { background-color: var(--color-accent) !important; } &--warn { background-color: var(--color-warn) !important; } }

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