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rails while adding second nested form new fields, first nested form fields disappers in edit

I have three tables

1) client 2) family 3) emplyoee

While adding new fields in new form everthing works perfect

But in edit form if i add nested attributes for family first and then i add nested attributes for employee then the fields added for family are gone and fields are added for employee

        class Client < ActiveRecord::Base
         self.primary_key = "id"
         has_many :familys , dependent: :destroy, :foreign_key => 'client_id'
         accepts_nested_attributes_for :familys , allow_destroy: true
         has_many :employees , dependent: :destroy, :foreign_key => 'client_id'
         accepts_nested_attributes_for :employees , allow_destroy: true

        class Family < ActiveRecord::Base
            belongs_to :client              

        class Employee < ActiveRecord::Base
            belongs_to :client              


        <%= nested_form_for(@client) do |f| %>

        <div><%= f.submit 'addfamily',:name => "add_n_tenpo" %></div>

        <%= f.fields_for :familys  do |w| %>
            <td class="label_width">巡店店舗</td>
            <td><%= w.text_field :tenpo_code_1, class: 'form-control tenpoautofill' %></td>
            <td><%= w.text_field :tenpo_code_2, class: 'form-control tenpoautofill' %></td>
        <% end %>

        <div><%= f.submit 'addemployee',:name => "add_nw_tenpo" %></div>

        <%= f.fields_for :employees  do |nw| %>
              <td class="label_width">巡店店舗</td>
              <td><%= nw.text_field :nw_tenpo_code_1, class: 'form-control' %></td>
              <td><%= nw.text_field :nw_tenpo_code_2, class: 'form-control' %></td>
        <% end %>

        <% end %>

Because You need to explicitly pass values for familys and employees in nested form for edit action, this doesn't effect your new action's form because in new action @client is nil so it need to pass value for edit action.

Try this

<%= nested_form_for(@client) do |f| %>

    <%= f.fields_for :familys_attributes, @client.familys  do |w| %>
        <td class="label_width">巡店店舗</td>
        <td><%= w.text_field :tenpo_code_1, class: 'form-control tenpoautofill' %></td>
        <td><%= w.text_field :tenpo_code_2, class: 'form-control tenpoautofill' %></td>
    <% end %>

    <%= f.fields_for :employees_attributes, @client.employees  do |nw| %>
          <td class="label_width">巡店店舗</td>
          <td><%= nw.text_field :nw_tenpo_code_1, class: 'form-control' %></td>
          <td><%= nw.text_field :nw_tenpo_code_2, class: 'form-control' %></td>
    <% end %>

    <% end %>

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