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Hazelcast refuses Member

In our system, we have a Hazelcast cluster consisting of 2 nodes. Hazelcast is refusing the connection of the other member. What could be the reasons?

In the log file i see:

2017-10-13 17:39:25,419 [T:B_Hazelcast.IO.thread-Acceptor, C:] INFO  c.h.n.tcp.SocketAcceptorThread | []:5701 [ESB_Hazelcast] [3.7.2] **Accepting socket connection** from /

2017-10-13 17:39:25,420 [T:_ESB_Hazelcast.cached.thread-5, C:] INFO  c.h.n.t.TcpIpConnectionManager | []:5701 [ESB_Hazelcast] [3.7.2] **Established socket connection** between / and /

2017-10-13 17:39:25,428 [T:ity-generic-operation.thread-0, C:] INFO  c.h.c.i.p.t.AuthenticationMessageTask | []:5701 [ESB_Hazelcast] [3.7.2] Received auth from Connection[id=12, />/, endpoint=null, alive=true, type=JAVA_CLIENT], **successfully authenticated**, principal : ClientPrincipal{uuid='39851f2a-cc6e-4bbb-be33-603352b2aaa6', ownerUuid='126694e3-daee-4999-8afc-870f1cd9da2e'}, owner connection : true

2017-10-13 17:39:25,512 [T:ity-generic-operation.thread-0, C:] WARN
c.h.c.i.o.ClientReAuthOperation | []:5701 [ESB_Hazelcast] [3.7.2] com.hazelcast.spi.exception.**CallerNotMemberException: Not Member!** this: []:5701, caller: []:5701, partitionId: -1, operation: com.hazelcast.client.impl.operations.ClientReAuthOperation, service: hz:core:clientEngine

The server is instantiated with

public static HazelcastInstance createServer(Environment env) {
    com.hazelcast.config.Config hazelcastConfig = new com.hazelcast.config.Config();
    final String clusterName = env.getProperty("core.hazelcast.clusterName");

    JoinConfig joinConfig = hazelcastConfig.getNetworkConfig().getJoin();
    final String members = env.getProperty("core.hazelcast.members");

    //Here it comes!!!
    if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(members)) {
    hazelcastConfig.setProperty(GroupProperty.LOGGING_TYPE.getName(), "slf4j");
    return new HazelcastLifecycleBean(Hazelcast.newHazelcastInstance(hazelcastConfig));

In the configuration file is


And this is passed to joinConfig.getTcpIpConfig().addMember

Any ideas?

Please specify the port as part of your tcp member addresses. Instead of core.hazelcast.members=, use core.hazelcast.members=,

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